Thursday, May 30, 2019

Still Burnt

A sunburn generally starts to fade after 3-5 days. I'm still waiting. It's not horribly painful but my skin is tender and, to my eye, appears slightly swollen. I'm sure that itching and peeling are next. There are a lot of sunburn remedies, mostly involving aloe vera and sometimes lidocaine. Freshly brewed black tea, used cold tea bags, mint tea, apple cider vinegar, and witch hazel are also on the list. Other than appearing a shockingly bright pink, my skin feels okay as long as I don't attempt any sort of exfoliation. Luckily, the glycerin and lactic acid cream I use to keep my scaly skin at bay hasn't been too irritating.

I'm a tad sore from yesterday but I'm still going to whack the Nexersys for 15 rounds today. No one else will. I'm wearing those 90 Degree leggings with pockets. If I don't try to pull the legs down to cover my ankles, the garment is fairly comfortable, if not the most flattering. I'm just too short with such odd body proportions to look good in leggings. Or capris. This item is for the gym only. And I never wear my gym clothes out in public, except when I'm trying to get to the gym. Because I'm old-fashion.

Adv R1 Traditional
Adv R2 SouthPaw
The 7 beginner-level rounds are basically a warm-up. The 5 intermediate-level rounds are much more work, especially since the pace is quicker and there are more complicated combinations. I almost didn't do the 3 advance-level rounds because I'd forgotten how much fun they are. All I worried about was whether that pesky South Paw round (round 2) would be totally frustrating. It turned out to be easier because I could ignore the verbal cues and look only at the relevant symbols and which side of the avatar they occurred on. I actually scored better on round 2 than on either of the Traditional rounds! And that was a pleasant surprise. Of course, round 1 had much more interesting combos, but the machine gave me zeros even though I landed proper blows. Still, it was fun!

As I'm stripping off my gloves and hand wraps, I look around the free weight area and see the Mayor chatting loudly. Weird, I'm thinking to myself. I don't actually hear him. Maybe he's learned to use his "indoor voice"? But as soon as I had that thought, the volume control went haywire. Ugh. Not stretching out listening to that noise even while I'm plugged into my tunes. I grab all my gear and stretch out in the classroom. A guy wanders in after me and does a few quick planks, but I mostly have the room to myself.

Tomorrow will be my usual Cardio Plus day. I think it helps maintain stamina. I don't want to ever be like those women who are at risk for developing heart failure because they just don't get enough exercise. I'm in that age range (40-65) but I'd like to think that because I can knock out more than 40 push-ups (like a badass fireman), I'm safe. As long as I can remember to wear sunblock and not develop skin cancer...

Whacking Thursday

10 min x-trainer
Calories 95
Miles 0.84
HR 157-203 (87)

T, Y & I Raises
5lbs x 15 x 2

Mid-Band Pulls 15
High Band Pulls 15
Cage Stretch

Nexersys FM
Beginner 7r
Intermediate 5r
Advance 3r

Mat Stretch

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