Monday, May 6, 2019

I Can Go Fast If I Want To

Today's vaguely abbreviated Pull Day workout because I had a late morning appointment. I still did HIIT Cardio, pull-ups, pushups and core. Still did Smith RDLs, Smith RG BB Rows, and Close Grip Lat Pull Downs. The only movement I skipped was Seated One-Arm Cable Rows. That, and a full Mat Stretch. Still, I was two minutes late to my appointment, but she was also running late. Because the weather was sunny and mild, there were a lot of bicyclists on the road. Lots and lots of people in neon spandex.

The only thing that bothered my elbows was the initial hammer grip pull-ups. Everything else was actually almost easy. Almost. Lat Pull Downs have been easier, but those elbows aren't really happy with this movement. It's the most benign position I can use and still do Lat Pull Downs. It's a lot like pull-ups and it's causing the same discomfort.

I cut my dawdle time. I cut my rest between sets. And other than doing a full shoulder stretch, I didn't miss much. I'm still tempted to just do a mild cardio workout on Tuesdays and Thursdays because there's nothing I enjoy more than working out. But there's a lot of other things I need to attend to.

Abbreviated Monday Pull

Norwegian 4x4
5 min w/u (4 min on / 3 min off) x 4
5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30, 33
Calories 293
Miles 2.68
HR 146-200 (117, 97)

Cage Stretch

Push Ups 60
Crunches Legs Up 40
Bicycles 50
Crunches knees bent 50
Horizontal Scissors 50
Side Planks 2 x 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s

Smith RDLs
Bar (30) x 15
80 x 12
100 x 12
120 x 12, 12, 12

Smith RG BB Row
80lbs x 25 reps x 3 sets

Lat Pull Downs
85 x 12
100 x 10
115 x 10, 10, 9

RG BB Curls
40s lbs x 20 reps x 3 sets

Quick Stretch

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