Monday, April 23, 2018

Weekends Make Me Fat

I'm always heavier on Mondays than on Fridays. Because the weekend happens in between. Sometimes I'm also noticeably puffier. A result of eating badly. Too much salt, too much fat and my body reacts by retaining water and making me look like the proverbial dough boy. Ugh.

This weekend didn't start off too bad as it was sunny and we got some yard work done. I'd been waiting to hear if the Jeet Kune Do class was starting but apparently they hadn't gotten enough people enrolled. I sent them an email, but they never got back to me. Until today when they admitted that they were waiting to hear from one family, and then maybe classes would start next week. Oh jeeze. Sunday was a great day to be outside. My hubs and son went with some folks from their Boy Scout troop to hike a few miles on the Appalachian Trail.

I, on the other hand, went with a friend and her cousins to catch the very last day of the Orchid Show at the New York Botanical Gardens. And after we'd seen the orchids, we walked what seemed like miles to visit Daffodil Hill (which wasn't very impressive), the Azalea Garden (a big no show), and finally the Magnolias, which were magnificent. I had a Quest bar when everyone else ate croissants with chocolate (pain au chocolat), but we were all starving by the time we'd seen everything. So we ate lunch there. There's not much selection, and it's fairly pricey. I bought a mozzarella, tomato, arugula sandwich and needed more. Like curry chicken salad. (Thinking back, I should've just gotten two different salads.) Finally, I was sated. When I got home, my hubs had stocked the fridge with meats and sides from Big W Roadside BBQ, because that's just a few miles from the Appalachian Trail head. He reheated everything in the oven and we feasted anew.

And prepared foods, like all restaurant foods, are extremely tasty because not only are they expertly cooked and seasoned, they are laden with salt and fat. Delicious corn bread, pork stuffing, dirty rice, macaroni & cheese, brisket, pulled pork, BBQ ribs... No wonder I look like I've been pigging out all week! Never mind I only had coffee and yogurt for breakfast this morning.

Mondays are Push Days. I get on the elliptical and run Program 3 for 30 minutes, then squeeze out my pull ups. I briefly debate doing Core but I'm worried about snagging the Smith while it's free. After Inclined Presses, I do more Low Bar Shoulder Stretches. I really can't tell if my right wrist is straight or not. Sigh. If it hurts, I figure it's not straight, but I don't know if that's a valid assumption. The Mayor is gabbing away. Ugh. He vacates the only Inclined Bench in the DB area just as I'm ready to do my DB superset routine. Otherwise I'd stick with the Smith, just because it has an Inclined Bench. But I always feel guilty that I'm using the space for the bench, not the actual Smith contraption.

Next are those tricep builders: the Rip Skulls. But all the breaker benches are being used, and I'm forced to lay down on a regular flat bench. My feet don't comfortably touch the ground because my legs are too short. I have to keep my feet on the bench with my knees bent. It's not the most stable position to do Rip Skulls, but it works. My hair is driving me crazy today. The braid isn't done long enough, so it constantly falls into my armpit or under my neck. I can't clip it out of the way when I'm laying on a bench. This is when I truly miss having short hair. (That and when I'm showering.)

Normally I'd do V-bar press downs afterwards. But The Mayor and Big Mustache are doing alternate sets at that station. When they're not chatting. Which is most of the time. And I just really don't want to ask them if they're done. Cuz I don't want to work in with them. Just cuz. Instead, I do 10 minutes on the cross-trainer to get warm again. Then suddenly remember to do Core at the Mats. By this time both guys have left, so I could've done V-bars then. I probably should've done the V-bars, but I didn't. And of course, I regret what I did next.

I do push ups and toy with the idea of doing a few Hindu push ups. Just to test the waters. I do them slowly. And only 20. They actually feel okay. I do some plank variations and then the Mat Stretch. It isn't until later in the day when my right shoulder aches a little and an odd motion reminds me of the labral tear I suffered some long months ago. Ugh! Shouldn't've done THOSE push ups. I don't know how long it's going to take to mend the damage incurred today. Back to just regular push ups... Ugh.

Push Monday

30 elliptical
Program 3
Calories 284
Miles 2.52
Average Heart Rate 146/202


Smith Inclined Press
Bar (30) x 15
50 x 12
70 x 12
80 x 12
90 x 12
70 x 25 (!)
60 x 25

Low bar shoulder stretch
3 x 15s

DB Laterals s/s Rev Incl Flyes
25lbs x 8/15 reps x 3 sets

Rip Skulls
40lbs x 12 reps x 3 sets

10 min x-trainer
Calories 82
Miles 1.24

Push ups 30
Hindu push ups 20

Elbow Plank 60s
Side Planks 2 x 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s

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