Wednesday, April 25, 2018


I asked the vet to give me something for my leaky pup because my house smells like we've got a puppy, and we don't. She recommended Proin, aka PPA, aka phenylpropanolamine, which is commonly used to tighten the bladder's sphincter muscles. Websites state that it's effective 70% of the time in both male and female dogs. There can be adverse side effects (agitation, anorexia, tremors, seizures, etc.) but I've got my fingers crossed that the pup will be okay with this new med. It's a chewable pill. He spit it out the first three times I offered it to him, but once he managed to bite it into pieces, he was more willing to eat it. He's such a picky eater. I hope this doesn't completely kill his appetite.

The gym was still crowded when I got there so I wasn't entirely certain that I'd be able to use the Smith after warming up. Today's a theoretical Pull Day. I also thought about going back to bed for 2 hours because 6 hours just isn't enough sleep for me. However, a cup of freshly brewed coffee was so delicious this morning, I grudgingly stayed awake to savor it. And once I'm awake, I'm up for the day. As much as I try to get to sleep earlier, I ultimately find myself staring down bedtime around 11ish, and after three sets of eye drops that need to be spaced out, flossing and brushing and setting up for the morning... well, it's midnight. Sigh.

I do a quick basic Core warm up after a mere 20 minutes on the cross-trainer. I skipped the gym yesterday, and coincidentally, had 4 separate deliveries to the house, including the sewing machine I ordered from Amazon. I spent the good part of yesterday reading the manual (and ferrying the child to kung fu and Scouts). Because everyone says it's critical if you want to run the machine trouble-free. Especially since the last time I ever touched a sewing machine was back in 6th grade Home Ec. Good grief!

I'd really like to be able to hem my own pants. And my son's. And mend some of his clothes that haven't been worn to shreds. (I've given up on the Land's End® long sleeve boys Ts because he's outgrown the largest size, and they're just not made sturdy enough. He's barely had some shirts for a few months and he's worn through elbows, and wrist seams! I went online and discovered that I can buy directly from Life Is Good®. I've always admired their graphics and the quality of their shirts, but I can never find anything in the right size when I see their items for sale through other venues like Hearth & Plow®. That they have sale items in the right sizes is a major bonus. I bought my son four different shirts, and hopefully they'll last the year.)

People always seem to leave plates on the bar. I can't imagine that they've worked out so hard that their plummeting blood sugar levels leave them too spaced out to re-rack their weights. Ugh. At the Smith I set up for RDLs, consulting last week's log to see just how many and at what weight. I jump the weight in 50 lb increments this week because it's easier to use pairs of 25 lb plates. I'm breathing hard at 160 and my callouses look weird. In between sets at 170, I take a few photos because the callouses are threatening to rise up off my hands. I've never quite seen them quite so excited before. The camera distorts the size of my fingers, but makes clearly apparent all the wrinkles and creases I've had since I was a child. In 4th grade, a classmate once asked me why I had such old hands. Just lucky I guess. The weights look scary. I see some of the old men regulars trying not to stare. Secretly, that makes me laugh.

After three sets of RG BB Rows, I sit down at the Cable Station for One Arm Rows. There is a fluffy-blonde-haired Latina gal I've seen before. Mostly she's noticeable for the Kardashian bottom she sports. She's super-setting between lat pull downs and machine rows behind the cable station. And then I see her phone propped up against her water bottle on the floor. She's filming herself doing the rows, probably to post on IG. I've walked in on her taking duck-face selfies in the locker room. I'm not quite sure why anyone would purse their lips like that, but I'm obviously clueless as to what makes a successful social media star.

Before I cool down too much, I do my Mat Stretch. It's the one thing I'd like to video myself doing, but I haven't been able to figure out where I'd put my phone to catch all the moves, and where it won't get stepped on or kicked over. I'll figure it out one of these days...  And once I figure out my sewing machine, I'll be able to have pants with real cargo pockets. Aramark sent me the size 2 cargo pants in exchange for the size 4. These fit awesomely, except they're 2 inches too long. And they're "pink zipper" branded, which for some reason, some idiot felt necessary to put in as left-handed zippers. That's such an archaic notion that stems from a time when "ladies" had maids to help them dress. Ugh. These are cargo pants goddammit! But these are the first pants pockets I've ever been able to put my enormous iPhone 6+ phone in completely. Yaaay me!
Cargo pockets secured with snaps.
not velcro, which sticks to everything!

Pull Wednesday

20 x-trainer
Miles 2.38
Calories 161

Push-ups 60
Elbow Plank 60s
Side Planks 2 x 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s
Bicycles 50
Crunches 30/20

Smith RDLs
Bar (30) x 15
80 x 12
130 x 12
160 x 10
170 x 6 x 3 (new callouses!)

Smith RG BB Rows
80lbs x 25 reps x 3 sets

Low bar shoulder stretch
3 x 20s

Seated 1-Arm Cable Rows
45lbs x 12reps x 3 sets

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