Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year, Gym Rats!

I considered trying to do my workout at home today but the elliptical's in the unheated garage and there's no way to do a half way decent Mat Stretch there, even with the propane heater blasting full tilt. So I went to the gym, and it wasn't as crowded as yesterday! Granted, I got there around 11 am which is a good hour and a half later than usual, but still, I was surprised. Determined to do a better job of the HIIT program, I started with a 5 minute warm up at 150 Strides Per Minute, dropped to 70 for the 30 second rest phases and pumped up to between 250 and 279 SPM for the 30 second peaks. I was definitely feeling it when I got done. However, I wasn't ready to go home so I did a quick Cage Stretch and then ambled over to the free weights.

I don't really have anywhere in my program for Arms so I figure I'd knock out a few quick sets just so I don't lose what I have. Supersetting DB One-Arm Tricep Extensions with just 20 lbs (heavier weights really bother my wrist and elbow) with Alternating DB Curls seemed like a good efficient use of time and resources. The 20's too light for the curls and I pick up a pair of 25s for the remaining three sets. I could do more but I'm resisting the urge to do BB Curls or Skull Crushers. I won't even do Abs today. Instead, I grab the 50 lb BB and do three sets of Reverse Grip BB Curls because these address issues I have with my elbows and forearms.

I can see my chest!
That's kind
of surprising!
There's a bunch of girls on the Mats. They appear to be the same group from yesterday. One is bouncing on an exercise ball, one is checking her cell, and the third is attempting to stretch out. I drop my gear on the front mat which is the smallest, but large enough for me to do a split with my feel straddling opposing edges. The gal on the ball seems startled and intimidated. Oh well. It doesn't take long before the other two move off to do some actual exercise. Once I'm planted, I don't like to move so I stick with the small front mat to finish my stretches. The Dive Bomber Push Ups seem ridiculously easy, which is probably because I haven't done them since last week. I still hate the 60 second plank because I don't like how my entire body quivers on the exhale. I eye the Ab Wheel but I'm not comfortable with it yet. Maybe Friday. I haven't decided whether to try it on the floor or a mat, and whether my feet should butt up against the stairs even though I know I'll be starting from a kneeling position.

The gym scale reads a surprising 113.4 lbs. Probably because I only drank a third of my water or about 1/2 liter. Usually I drink the whole bottle. The TV in the locker room is loud with commentary on the RoseBowl parade, and intermittent messages about a Winter Storm Watch for tomorrow. School starts again tomorrow and none of us are ready for that reality. Tomorrow's Leg Day too. But I have to admit to feeling a little burnt. I've never felt this way before... I think it's that CNS burnout that everyone's mentioned. Odd, how I can do miles and miles on the elliptical and feel great, but now cutting my mileage down and upping my weights... well, I'll have to check because maybe I need to do a de-load. I hate to consider it since I've just starting doing LISS and HIIT. Maybe I just do cardio for a week since the last time I took a rest, it was the first week in October (I remember 'cuz it was the week of our wedding anniversary). I think I'll finish up the week with my scheduled routine, and then go light next week. It's a plan.

New Year Workout:
5 min warm up at 150 Strides Per Min
10 min HIIT with 30 sec at 70 SPM and 30 sec at 250-279 SPM

Cage Stretch with BW heel dips, calf raises and side kicks

DB Curls (alternating): 15 @ 20 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 25 lbs
  superset with
DB One-Arm Tricep (behind the neck) Extension: 4 x 12 @ 20 lbs

Reverse Grip BB Curls: 3 x 20 @ 50 lbs

Mat Stretch with 2 x 12 DBPUs; 60-second plank, splits, shoulder, neck, upper/lower back stretches

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