Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Shred Program Day Three

I knew it was cold outside. I just wasn't expecting it to be -7°F. I also expected the 2 hour school delay because that always happens after a snowfall. At least that gives me time to clean my car off and shovel what my husband didn't get to before he left for work. I let my car run for a good hour before shifting it into gear. It's an old car. Last time it got this cold the door locks wouldn't work so I'm surprised they work today. Must be the extreme dryness in the air.

I get to the gym after 11 am and it's not very crowded. Good! Today I get to repeat Program A (Upper Body) but at least I know what I'm doing this time. Because my glutes and hams are uncharacteristically sore from yesterday's Lower Body (B) program, doing HIIT is much more daunting. I think it was all the lunges even though I didn't use much weight. Still, I'm surprised when I actually log slightly more mileage.

Readings are blurry because if you stop
moving to take the photo, the screen goes
blank and tells you to peddle faster.
The only part of this program I really really like is benching. Today I up my weight to 85 lbs. I don't have time to find blocks to put under my feet so lately, I just put my feet up on the bench with my knees bent. Since it's not nearly the max weight I can press, I figure I'm stable enough. It's only when I get to my last set that I feel my legs trembling a little. Still, I know I can do more than the 20 reps even at set 4 so I'm thinking of upping this weight yet again next week. Maybe to 90 lbs because I'm not sure if I can get 4 sets of 20 at 95 and I hate having to drop back. If I can get 4 sets at 90 next Monday, then Wednesday I'll definitely move the weight up again. It's a plan at least.

One-Arm DB rows seem a tad easy at 30 lbs so the 2nd go-round I up the weight to 35 lbs. It's not hard until I get to rep 18. Someone is using the 30 lb BB so I opt to use a pair of 15 lb DBs for the Military Press. The first set is okay, but the 2nd set requires a pause at rep 15. This happens after the 10 minute cardio interval as well: 3rd round good, 4th round not so good. This must be the weight I need to be at. At least I like how my shoulders look when I'm doing the movement.

Because there is only one 30 lb BB, I grab the 40 lb BB to do Curls. I can do 20 reps, but the very last set of program is a bit daunting. Still, I finish. The 15 lb DB seems light for Tricep Kickbacks but I'm not sure I can get 20 reps with 20 lbs. Next time I should grab 2.5 lbs in magnets for this movement. I take a brief break to say Hi to R and ask about his new baby. He seems a little spacey so I'm guessing he's not getting much sleep. The baby was a sunny-side up breech delivered C-section over a week ago but happy and healthy. I tell R I'm extremely happy for him and then I'm back to my break-neck routine. The second round of cardio, although only 10 minutes, is much much harder than it's been. The first 5 minutes of LISS are boring, but I have trouble keeping my pace anywhere near 200 Strides Per Minuate with the next 5 continuous minutes of High Intensity. Mostly I'm panting furiously at 185 SPM.

Afterwards I drop onto the Mat and do most of my Mat stretch routine. Dive Bomber Push Ups seem easy. The plank is hard. I see D in the locker room and we compare notes about the Intermediate Level Avatar on the Nexersys. She's also found and downloaded the manual for guidance, and tells me that I should adjust the pads so that they're lower for elbow strikes. I demur, telling her that then the pads would be too low for everyone else cause I probably wouldn't adjust them back. The gym scale reads 112.6 lbs but I've managed to drink most of my water bottles. This morning, because I had time, I managed to weigh myself at home. An even 110 lbs. The BF reading is still 20.8% but at least it's not crept back to 21.5%.

Day Three (A) Upper

20 min Precor elliptical: 1 min walk / 1 min run  = 1.84 miles
This circuit down twice without rest:
Bench Press: 20 reps @ 85 lbs +10 lbs
One-Arm DB Rows: 20 reps each arm @ 30 lbs (2nd round 20 @ 35 lbs) +5 lbs
DB Overhead Press: 20 @ 15 lbs (each arm)
BB Curl: 20 @ 40 lbs +10 lbs
DB Tricep Kickback: 20 reps (each arm) @ 15 lbs

10 min Precor elliptical: 5 min walk / 5 min run  = 0.84 miles
This circuit down twice without rest:
Bench Press: 20 reps @ 85 lbs
One-Arm DB Rows: 20 reps each arm @ 35 lbs
DB Overhead Press: 20 @ 15 lbs (each arm)
BB Curl: 20 @ 40 lbs
DB Tricep Kickback: 20 reps (each arm) @ 15 lbs

Mat Stretch with 2 x 12 DBPUs, 60-second plank, splits, upper and lower back stretches

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