Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Week Two Day Three Hump

Distance / Calories / Time Elapsed
I know my eating habits are counter-productive to my goals so today I'm going to take my diet much more seriously. Never mind that Chinese New Year starts this Friday, because no one up here celebrates, not even the local Asian restaurants. It'll be the Year of the Horse. I weighed myself this morning because the unexpected 2-hour school delay gave me enough time. 111.6 lbs and my BF creeping back up to 21.1%. Not good at all.

I get to the gym at 11 am instead of 9 because of the school delay. There's barely a 1/4 inch of fine slippery powder on the ground so I'm not quite sure what weather the school district was expecting. I feel tired even though I slept in so I'm really dreading the 20 minutes of HIIT. But I still do it as best as I can, logging a bit over a mile and a half. Today I remember to search for the yoga blocks before starting my routine and that eats into my time. I have to ask the front desk to find them for me as they are hidden away inside a closet inside the fully-attended yoga class.

I feel a little awkward using the yoga blocks because they're not very wide but at least I can keep my feet flat. 95 lbs isn't enough weight for me to bridge my back so this'll do. 95 lbs also feels a bit heavier than I remember but I can get 20 reps, so not a big deal. I keep my One-Arm DB Rows at 35 lbs because I have to slow down after rep 15. Today I stick to the 15 lb DBs for the Military Press because they are so much harder than the solid 30 lb BB I used on Monday. Then I run over to the rack and grab the 40 lb BB for curls. DB Kickbacks are last and I debate whether using a 20 is going to ruin my ability to knock out 20 reps on the Bench. Oh, WTH...

After two rounds I run back to the cardio area and get on an elliptical for 5 minutes of LISS and then 5 minutes of all-out exertion. I grab the two yoga blocks I've stashed and head to a free bench, plop on a pair of 25s and get my 20 reps. By the last go-round, I'm having trouble with the last rep and have to rack my bar, take three breaths and then, because I'm annoyed with myself, knock out three more reps instead of one. When I'm done, I grab my hoodie and trudge back to the elliptical for another 10 minutes of LISS. The last thing I do is a partial Mat Stretch.

It's late enough that the locker room is mostly empty and I'm glad. The gym scale reads 113.4 lbs and since I've finished 3/4 of my water, I'm not surprised. My face is puffy and sweaty but I take a few selfies anyway. I don't like how full and bloated my belly feels, reminiscent of PMS. Heck, it just might be the "menopause version" of PMS.

Week Two Day Three Hump Day (A) Upper

20 min cardio 1 min Walk / 1 min Run = 1.66 miles
This circuit done twice with no rest between sets
20 reps @ 95 lbs Bench Press
20 reps @ 35 lbs One-Arm DB Rows
20 reps @ 15 lbs (each) DB Military Press
20 reps @ 40 lbs BB Curl
20 reps @ 20 lbs DB Tricep Kickbacks

10 min cardio 5 min Walk / 5 min Run = 0.78 miles
This circuit done twice with no rest between sets
20 reps @ 95 lbs Bench Press (last set only got to 19, took 3 breaths then pressed 3 more reps)
20 reps @ 35 lbs One-Arm DB Rows
20 reps @ 15 lbs (each) DB Military Press
20 reps @ 40 lbs BB Curl
20 reps @ 20 lbs DB Tricep Kickbacks

10 min cardio LISS = 0.61 miles
Mat Stretch with 2 x 12 Dive Bomber Push Ups

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High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...