Friday, June 14, 2013

Happy Back and Biceps Day

The storm was pretty wicked last night but nothing toppled over, no trees went down and we didn't lose power so all in all, it was a good storm. I begged out of kickboxing and my husband seemed disappointed, but he had trouble getting up this morning, so it's probably a good thing we skipped it last night. I promised him we'd go next week. It's the end of the week and my body seems to be feeling its mileage. I get on the elliptical and it's at least 6-7 minutes before I'm not sore and stiff. It takes another 20 before I actually start to feel good, but at least I finish my Intervals #8 session and make my quota. Priorities, don't ya know!

I can't find the handles to the Seated Cable Rows that I like so I settle for the ones with rubber padding. This extra bit makes the handles harder to grip because I have such little hands although I do appreciate the extra padding because I also have boney hands. Using a thumbless grip, I'm actually able to complete all my sets with decent form. That makes me happy. PonyTail Tattoo is working out at the adjacent station and in spite of my cranked up iPod with MeatLoaf blaring, I think I hear him grunt in disbelief when I finish with drop sets. The gym's awfully crowded today and I don't speak to anyone, not even B. I see The Mayor, Hoodie Tattoo, Nixon, M, Tall Pace, ZZ, LoudMouth, Old Florida, PJ Pants... yes, the gym's damn crowded and I have to thread my way between stations and people chatting along side.

I don't up my weights today because I'm tired and I don't want to court injury. My elbows feel pretty good all the way up to BB Bicep curls when the left one complains incessantly, regardless of forearm stretching. I haven't done pull ups in weeks and miss doing them, but my elbow's too important to attempt doing those just yet.

Today's Back and Biceps Day Workout:
35 min Interval #8 = 4.49 miles Yay!
Seated Cable Rows: 15 @ 60 lbs / 12 @ 90 / 10 @ 105 / 8 @ 120 / 3 x 6 @ 127.5 lbs / 12 @ 112.5 / 15 @ 97.5 lbs These feel really strong and good today and I'm very pleased with myself
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Reverse Grip Bent Over BB Rows: 15 @ 100 lbs / 6 x 12 @ 105 lbs
My hands start to slip during the last reps but in general they don't hurt which is surprising considering I woke up feeling as if I'd sprained my right thumb/palm. 
Pendlay BB Rows: 6 x 12 @ 65 lbs
I can't say that these feel heavy, but I'm thoroughly exhausted when I finish each set and can't wait to straighten up afterwards. I may affix another 5 lbs to the BB next week and see how that feels.
Ab Crunch Station: 100
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Up: 125
Lower Back Extension: 2 x 25 @ 97.5 lbs
Torso Twist Machine: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
BB Curls: 6 x 12 @ 50 lbs
My left elbow really complains about this movement and I find myself modifying the exercise to minimize the pain. I may drop back to 45 lbs next week and just knock out more reps instead.
Reverse Grip BB Curls: 4 x 20 @ 40 lbs
Mat Stretch: splits are stiff today but at least I worked them.

My favorite blue pants
Mo plops down besides me as I'm stretching out. When I'm done, we chat for a few minutes. "Grass gotta get cut," she complains gently. "Why can't they create genetically modified grass that only grows 3 inches tall? I'd never need to mow it!" I tell her the lawnmower lobby probably put the kibosh on it. She tells me a joke an elderly lady told her: "Why are men like parking spots? All the good ones are taken, and the only ones left are handicapped." We both chuckle.

The gym scale reads 109.2 lbs again and I'm surprised. I'm not usually so consistent! I did have another egg with my blueberries and oatmeal this morning. Blueberries seem cheap right now so I'm game to buy several pints to wash and freeze. When I get home, I take a photo of my favorite blue pants next to my 2nd favorite blue pants. The cell camera sucks and makes my royal blue pants look mauve! Thank goodness for photoshop color correction.

After trying unsuccessfully to snap a photo of my back in the hall mirror, I drag out my tripod and set the camera timer so that I can see if all my hard work is paying off or if I should revise my workout again. I'm pleased with the results so far! At least I don't think I look scrawny anymore... LOL!

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