Thursday, September 19, 2024

Just a Tiny Change

I'm not as sore anymore, but still tired, mostly because I had trouble staying asleep last night. Probably because I made the wrong choice and tried to listen to a song mix instead of one continuous channel of sleeping noises, like rain or rain & wind, or frogs, or crickets. The problem with a music mix is that I don't subscribe to the premium channel and the free channel is interspersed with loud, annoying commercials. That'll wake up the dead. When the alarm sounded this morning, I was still tired. Dogs and I went to the park like we always do. I eventually made it to the gym, albeit, later than I'd like.

I'm surprised to see Wind Breaker on elliptical #1. I know he prefers #2. There's no one on #2 so I hop on that. Because I'm a good 20 minutes later than usual, it's possible that there were more people on the elliptical machines earlier. There aren't a lot of people in the gym at noon time. That all changes once the HS lets out... And I'd like to be done before the locker room becomes a girls giggle room. Seriously.

Cardio is much better today. Not awesome, but better than Tuesday. No pull-ups to worry about until tomorrow. Instead, I have to hunt for an available Nautilus bench since the free weight area is always in flux and benches land haphazardly. I secure one in the middle of the room and drag it out of the way to one of the newer cages. It has a loaded Olympic bar that the last user neglected to re-rack. Because I'm not using the bar, I don't care and leave it as it is. I just want to use the bench and not be in the middle of foot traffic. 

I'm actually closer to the lighter end of the DB rack so I'm fine with everything. I see the Odd Couple (middle-age fit dude and shorter, more exasperated wife/girlfriend) move from one station to another. She starts to drag a bench with her, he stops and asks her what the hell she's doing, she shrugs and abandons the bench in the middle of traffic. Yep. Eventually, he comes back and shoves it out of the way. Melodrama...

By the last heavy set of the DB Shoulder routine, I decide to change the order of the exercises. It makes sense to do the biggest compound movements first (inclined DB press), followed by smaller, more specific exercises. Dorsal muscles are smaller and weaker in the shoulder joint than the powerhouse anterior deltoid. So, for the last set I grit my teeth and reverse the order: inclined reverse flyes; lateral delt raises; inclined DB presses. 

Did it make a difference? I almost couldn't lift my arms for the lateral DB raises! Weird! The inclined DB presses felt odd because the stabilizing rear delt muscles were over-tired. It was quite a different sensation, and I might do it again next week. I skip half of the core workout in the Aerobics Room because I'm burnt, and running late. I promised a friend who contracted Covid on vacation (she's back home now) that I'd pick up some groceries for her and drop them off. She's better after driving herself home on Monday with a 103F fever, but still feeling crummy. Fingers crossed I don't come down with anything.

19 Sept 12:12-1:52
Thursday — Mix Day
Beautiful Day — Timolol / sciatica
(right hip-foot numb tingly)

Precor elliptical #2
Program 1
Time: 30 + 5 (5638)
Distance: 2.85
Cal: 317
Avg Hr: 159, 211-81
New FB: 51-142

Nautilus bench
Incl DB Press s/s Lateral Raises s/s Rev Incline Flys
10 lbs x 25/15/25
15 lbs x 25/15/25
20/15/20 x 25/15/25 x 3
Last set Reverse order -- lateral flys very difficult

20 Hip Bridges 
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
Piriformis stretches
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2

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