Monday, November 11, 2019


The forecast is for a messy dusting of snow, turning to slush, then a rapid freeze overnight that will last for the remainder of the week. There's no school today so I take my time sipping coffee and getting ready for the gym. Then I realize that I've forgotten to charge both my iPod and the BlueTooth headphones. Ugh. Okay, well, I was going to bring more firewood into the house later, but I can do that before I leave while my devices charge. It's 50F and rising with clear blue skies. A beautiful day for a parade. Temps peak close to 60. Hard to believe it'll drop to 14 by Wednesday night.

It's nearly noon when I get to the gym. The painters are still working. After my quick elliptical warmup, I go to the DB area only to find all the DB racks draped under dropcloths. I fish two 5 lb DBs from the Aerobic Room and try a new position for the problematic T, Y & I raises. Instead of laying flat on my stomach and potentially raising my eye pressures, I use an inclined bench to keep my head above my heart (something every glaucoma patient is told to do).

I'm excited to whack the machine now that it appears to be functional. But it's not quite what it was. Not only does the "broken" (because it's dangling at an angle) Cross not register, sometimes the Lead Kick doesn't either. With sensors down in the Power Dig and the Cross, it means that any combination that includes these opposing strikes is automatically negated with zero points. This means I have to refocus my efforts and not worry about the strikes since the machine won't actually count them. I pull my punches for the pads with the dead sensors which means I'm not exerting myself as much as I could. The gym is warm but I'm not sweating much. I pull my punches because I actually blackout the screen and that brings action to a standstill for several seconds. I don't want the machine to go down permanently.

After I unwrap my hands, I realize that there's no place to stretch out except at the Stretch Cage. It's Monday. I figure I should do a few pull-ups too.

Whacking Veterans Monday

10 min x-trainer
Calories 88.2
Miles 0.80
HR 155-194

Inclined T, Y & I Raises
5lbs x 15 x 2

Mid-Band Pulls 15
High-Band Pulls 15
Cage Stretch

Nexersys FM
Beginner 7r
Intermediate 7r


Cage Stretch

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