Friday, September 28, 2018

The Week Is Done But I'm Not

Temps rose into the high 70s yesterday, then abruptly plummeted back into the 50s overnight. The clear sunny day disappears and it rains buckets. It's still raining this morning and temps are still in the 50s. I like cooler weather, but nothing ever dries in this humidity. The dog seems better this morning, except the beef broth I cooked his food in yesterday had a high sodium content. Which meant he was thirsty all night, and peed through his diaper. So there was a dribble from the hallway into the living room, a puddle in the living room, another long dribble into the kitchen and then a big wet spot on the rough carpet mat I put in front of his food and water bowls. The kitchen floor is tiled in a cool ceramic-glass which means it's not only durable, but the same gray speckled granite color all the way through, and not just glaze-coated with a white center. It's not slippery like those orange commercial kitchen tiles, but it's slippery enough for a dog with no strength in his hind legs.

I take the pup for a walk, he pees and poops, and soaks his hip harness in the process, as usual. I have two Solve-It harnesses so that I can hand-wash one while the other dries. Because there are metal rivets and mostly plastic parts covered in padded fabric, I don't feel I can toss the harness into the dryer. So the clean harness is always damp because nothing air dries in this humidity. I always hand-wash the cloth diapers as well before tossing them into the washing machine. I'm developing dishpan hands so I'm constantly rubbing cream into them. Having IV (ichthylosis vulgaris) doesn't help. My house smells like I'm house-breaking a puppy, or two. And as much as I don't want my old pup to pass, I'm tired of the pee smell. Sometimes I think it's on my clothes and shoes because there's splatter, and drips... Ugh.

Today he's not so enamored of the gizzard and turkey stew, probably because I put Metacam in it for his painful and weak rear legs. I offer him scrambled eggs on toasted Italian bread. He eats the eggs and spits out all the toast. Okaaaaay... such a picky eater.

I did manage to finish my assignment and upload it last night so I could go to the gym this morning. And the grocery because I needed yet more bleach wipes and room deodorizer. I got home at 10:30 am and the paper was due at 10. Whew. I'm hoping I passed this latest round in Writers BootCamp. As much work as this entails, I'm enjoying the assignment because I'm the kind of dweeb who thinks nothing of researching peculiar terminology or processes.

Nothing special at the gym today... another 30 minutes of recumbent bike but a different machine. I've been trying each bike to see if they pedal differently or read my pulse. So far so good. I do find that my pulse rate quickens when I sing along with a favorite song, but that's no surprise.

Finally Friday

30 minutes recumbent bike
Calories 117
Miles 2.80
HR 107

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