Monday, September 16, 2013

Summer's Over And It's Still Monday

It was 90°+ for a day last week, but the nights have been a bit chilly. Chilly enough to necessitate wearing gloves when I take the dog out in the mornings, because 46°F is not summer anymore. Already, the arboreal canopy has fringes of gold and red at the edges. Next weekend will mark the Autumnal Equinox and the descent into Winter. I don't mind the cold, except when I'm working out. This morning, two of three ellipticals are occupied so I get on #3. It seems a little easier and a lot smoother than I last remembered. Still, because I've been a slug all weekend, I know that even gentle Hill #6 is going to kick my butt. And it does. I don't make my 4 mile quota. But I'm warm enough and today is Monday, jokingly known as Universal Bench Press Day.

The Manchurian is on the Smith but I have no intentions of using it. He makes a point though, of coming over to tell me that he has just one more set, so I smile and say, "Don't worry about it." He seems a bit incredulous. I'm not saying it to be nice. I'm saying it because I plan on benching at the Olympic bench today. As long as I can get someone to spot me. I start off with just the bar, then add 15 lbs to each side. Then I swap that for a 25 lb plate each side. Then I debate with adding the 5 or 10 next. Last time I had trouble with adding the 10, but perhaps I'd already done too many sets. This time I add a mere 5 lbs to each side and bench it. The 10s seem to be missing so I add another pair of 5s to the bar, making it 25+5+5 each side, plus the bar. Then I look around. I see M who left me hanging several months ago because he was so busy chatting he forgot he'd agreed to spot me. I'm not asking him again. I don't see Nixon. I do see The Mayor, and FatAss (it's what he called himself) and a few other irregulars. I bite my lip and ask The Mayor for a spot when he seems to be resting between sets on an inclined bench. Mo has told me that The Mayor is actually younger than us, in his mid-forties. He seems older, working out in a loose polo shirt and sports pants, hiding his upper arms, chest and gut, his Alec-Baldwin-hair always on the verge of rebellion.

I tell him that I use a thumbless grip and he merely nods. I don't need help until the last four reps but it still feels like it's all me doing the work. His voice is hoarse and squeaky, as if he'd been at an all night rave as he guides the last two reps. "Your left twists, making the bar tilt. Everyone does. All I needed to do is straighten your left and the bar went right up." I look at him puzzled as I digest this bit of information. And then I thank him and he goes off to do his DB curls. I got ten decent reps at 115. I put another 5 on each side. Then I ask for another spot. I'm hoping to get at least 6, but I make 8 and I'm very happy. "You usually use that," he says nodding at the Smith. I nod back. "You shouldn't because the bar'll go up with just your right pushing. This way you'll make your left stronger." "Well, usually there's no one to spot me," I say. He responds, "You can ask me. I'm always here." I thank him again, and he walks away.

Cage stretch follows, but I'm not sweaty from it. Then I wander back to the DBs for Inclined Reverse Flyes. I have 4 magnetic discs, a towel, my water bottle and my gear sack of goodies. The 25 lb DBs are easy enough so I warm up with two sets. Then I snap on 2.5 lb magnets. Another two sets. Finally the last two magnets and now each DB is 30 lbs. After three sets, I decide I can do more even though I struggle with the last two reps, feeling the muscles in my upper back contract against the base of my neck. So I do another two sets. Just for fun. Standing Lateral DB Raises are next. Again, I start with 25s as a warm up. Three sets and I know I'm babying myself so I add magnets. 27.5 lbs is harder and I do two sets before I bite the bullet and add the rest of the magnets. I don't know how many reps or sets I can get at 30 lbs. It turns out to be more than I thought: 3 sets of 8 reps.

I need a break before attempting Barbell Upright Rows so I do a few sit ups and crunches. The 40 lb BB is missing from the rack and instead of grabbing the 30 and making do with magnets, I grab the 50. I'm probably going to regret this. Well, not my shoulders, but my elbows and wrists, but only after I've added a pair of magnets to the barbell. It's really only my wrists that bother me as I finish my last sets. Finally there is Mat Stretch and I suck down the last of my water when I'm done.

Bench Press Monday Workout:
35 min Hill 6 = 3.91 miles Sheesh!
Bench Press: 25 @ bar (45 lbs) / 12 @ 75 lbs / 12 @ 95 lbs / 12 @ 105 lbs / 10 @ 115 lbs / 8 @ 125 lbs / 12 @ 105 lbs / 12 @ 95 lbs / 50 @ bar
Cage Stretch with BW Heel Dips & Calf Raises and Side Kicks
Inclined Rear DB Flyes: 2 x 15 @ 25 lbs / 2 x 12 @ 27.5 lbs / 5 x 12 @ 30 lbs
Standing Lateral DB Raises: 3 x 12 @ 25 lbs / 2 x 12 @ 27.5 lbs / 3 x 8 @ 30 lbs
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: 150
Ab Crunch Station: 100
Barbell Upright Rows: 3 x 12 @ 50 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 55 lbs
Mat Stretch with 10 DBPUs, 5 rolling PUs, splits, etc.

I look around and see R at the DB rack. After I retrieve my hoodie, which I left draped over the cardio railing, I wander over to him and ask him how he is. At first he tells me that he's okay, but I say, "I know with all this rain," and he admits he's had yet another shot for his herniated disc pain. He mentions a long drive over the weekend and when I express surprise, he tells me that he's going to be a father and that his wife is five and a half months pregnant. I know I'm smiling when I congratulate him, and he tells me how this has changed his whole outlook, his whole attitude. "I know I'm a hothead, but lately things just don't bother me. There was a guy who got in my face and I just told him to take a number, 'cuz everyone's in line..." We both chuckle.

I'm really happy for him and we discuss how having dogs is such a useful prep for having babies. I ask about his brother and he tells me that he's expecting a child as well, a mere three weeks apart. I make him promise to bring photos when his son is born in January, then tease him about them sharing the month. He tells me breathlessly that it'd be the best birthday present ever. Then he says he might not come back to this gym because he'd have to change his schedule. It wouldn't be fair to his in-laws who are moving into the area just to baby-sit. "Oh, we'll never see you again," I say wistfully but he says he'll be around. He'd never give up working out. And I laugh, and walk away 'cuz I desperately need a shower. The gym scale reads 111.0 lbs and I can't say I'm surprised. Especially after a weekend of gelato, apple ale, turkey bolognese sauce over brown rice, and Cub Scout popcorn. It's sunny but breezy outside and as I stash my gym gear in my car, I note that R's silver sedan is parked right alongside mine.

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