Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Second Midlife Crisis

I read an article recently that declared the human body goes through two significant aging events: once in one's 40s, and again in one's 60s. I'm not sure about the 40s since I felt and looked pretty good in my 50s, with an ability to perform significantly strenuous exercise routines. However, I'm certainly feeling older now that I'm in my mid-60s, and struggling to reconcile what my body is able to do and what I think it should be able to do. Take today for instance.

Granted, I got to the gym later than I'd like, and had to start my routine with the cross-trainer instead of the elliptical. The cross-trainer doesn't glide as nicely but allows one to use moving handles to increase exertion. The elliptical is a legs only machine. I do 25 minutes, and am by no means going as fast and hard as I've been capable of in the past. And pull-ups absolutely suck, with me barely getting 10 and wondering what the hell is wrong with me. I feel really weak and it's discouraging. (Not feeling particularly rested as I also slept on the sofa last night -- one of the dogs hasn't been well, and it's better if I'm able to get him out the front door quickly when the need arises...)

All the stair climbers are vacant but I choose to use one of the older models that I'm more familiar with. This time I set the timer for 8 minutes to allow for the 2 minute cool down that follows. Actually, I'm not certain that there was a full 2-minute cool down because the machine stalled a few times during that period. It did drop the speed to half, so level 6 became level 3. I go back to the Stretch Cage to have another go at pull-ups because I'm so upset with the first round. This time I get an full dozen. Not as good as the 15 I'd been hoping for, but better, and not quite as weak.

One of the two (out of four) elliptical machines has freed up so I'm back on the cardio platform. Even though I'm tired and drenched, I still select 30 minutes plus 5 minute cool down and Fitness Program #3. It's by far my worse cardio performance in a long time, but at least I got it done. I don't break 300 calories nor do I even come close to 2.9 in mileage... And my stomach is growling unhappily. It's so distracting! 

Sciatica takes a long, long time to heal and mine is still bothersome, making me wince and limp when I roll out of bed. It's clutches my calf and makes my foot go numb and tingly, sometimes causing my toes to spasm or my lower back to twinge, but only on one side. I've gone back to the old standby medications: ibuprofen and gabapentin at night. I'll need it tomorrow for the excruciating 6-hr drive to my kid's school: classes start on Monday and he needs to be fully moved in on Saturday. He's not even packed! And there's a mini fridge to load into the car along with clothes, snacks, and other important dorm-life items. 

I'll tell you about the laughable experience I'm having with the FitBit next week. Maybe the second replacement "pebble" will arrive by then. I got two separate packages today: one for the charger, and another package for the actual wrist bands. At least the packaging was heavy paper and thus recyclable...

22 August 12:06-2:19
Thursday — All Cardio
Timolol / sciatica!

Life Fitness X-Trainer #3
Program Manual L1
Time: 20+5 (reverse cool down)
Distance: 2.28
Cal: 192
Avg Hr: 110-136

HGPU 10+1 WTH is happening to me!

Matrix StairMaster (R) 12:46
Manual timer 8 min + 2 min cool down
Speed 6 (52-55) / 3 (36-33)
Steps 491
Floors 30
Cal 73
Hr? 67?


Precor elliptical #1
Program 3
Time: 30+5 (5212)
Distance: 2.72
Cal: 296
Avg Hr: 127, 175-109
No Fitbit

20 Hip Bridges (1:51)
(right leg sporadically going numb)
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
10 Hip Bridges & 10 one-leg ea
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Arm rotations 20
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Neck stretch / Eye yoga (so hungry!)
Wall Squat 90 sec

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