Thursday, August 29, 2024

Oh, And About That FitBit

I started wearing a "new" FitBit, once I got the replacement "pebble" replaced. Apparently the device without wristband can be referred to as a pebble. Very cute. Unfortunately, it arrived while we were away and so sat at the front door for several days. Also unfortunately, it arrived without a charging cable or wristbands even though I had returned everything. I had been instructed to return the charging cable, but not the wristbands. Since I originally received it with wristbands, I returned it with wristbands. So, replacement device arrives and appears to be dormant. I need a charging cable! 

My husband orders one from Amazon as well as replacement wristbands. They arrive the next day! The only problem with after-market charging cables, is that they lack the tiny reset button on the side of the USB plug of the charger. There's no other way to reset the device! I charge the pebble and it awakens, only to tell me to download the app to my phone. Uh, I've already done that. I spend a few hours trying to get my phone and the app on it to recognize the pebble, but no luck. Finally, I get customer support online and they make a bunch of suggestions that don't pan out. This goes on for more than an hour. The pebble is useless. I need to send it back for yet another replacement, and this time the service rep also orders a new charging cable and wristbands.

I package and return the defunct replacement, and within two days, I get a newer replacement. And under separate packaging, I also get a charging cable. And wristbands. So three different packages! The charging cable works fine, but the wristband won't stay secured, and I almost lost the device in the parking lot when I took my dogs to the vet last week. Luckily, I saw the pebble on the ground before I accidentally stepped on it! And the vet's office had the errant watchband. Also luckily, I still had the 3rd party wristbands my husband had ordered, and those stayed on.

Today is cooler and I suspect many folks have taken the week off. There's literally no one at the park, not even those rabid pickle ball fanatics that come most mornings. School starts next week and school buses are doing practice runs. The dogs are frisky and seem to have their appetites back, although the one still has half a week of meds to finish. The gym parking lot is sparsely populated, as is the gym itself. And while I got decent sleep yesterday (7 whole hours!), I didn't last night (5.75 hrs). There's humidity and the air pressure is making me cranky with a vague headache. However, because I have access to my preferred elliptical, I get on and pedal for the full 35 minutes.

Not great, but so much better than Tuesday! I get a set of pull-ups. Also not great, but at least I managed to get myself up a few times! The step machine is vacant so I select 8 minutes, but decrease the speed to 5. During cool down, the machine automatically slows to level 2. I'm drenched and my nose will not stop running. Ugh! Thank goodness for paper towel dispensers! The next set of pull-ups actually goes a tad better with an even dozen. Then I go back to the cardio platform and climb on the cross-trainer. It's one of my least favorite cardio machines because it makes my feet go numb. I did manage to pedal backward for the cool down though. During all these cardio exercises, my sciatic pain is almost non-existent with the occasional bout of tingling that doesn't last more than a few minutes. Until I do my core exercises.

In the Aerobics Room, I skip the movements that seem to exacerbate the sciatic pain. The list keeps growing: all versions of hip bridges, bird dogs, and serious consideration against push-ups. I can manage the latter but there is pain in the right leg from it. My previous bouts of sciatica didn't suffer from bird dogs or hip bridges. If anything, those movements made the nerve discomfort better. Not this time. Something has changed. Not necessarily for the better.

In the past few weeks, my sciatica has devolved. It's not more painful than in the past, but more often than not, there's a disturbing tingling sensation in places that shouldn't really be affected, like the outside of my right hip. After all, the sciatic nerve bundle runs through the back/bottom of the pelvic bone, under the glute muscles, then down the leg to the heel and bottom of the foot. Sometimes, it's a clenching grip on the outside of the calf, or a buzzy numbness in the forefoot. 

My next primary care appointment is in November where the doc will probably increase the dose of Losartan, because even I can see that while my hypertension is better, it's not considered well-controlled. Even with the beta blocker, Timoptic, it bounces between normal, hypertension level 1, and level 2. Ugh. If I still have sciatica then, I'll have to press her for a physical therapy script. Double ugh.

Tomorrow I'll probably go to the gym and look for an alternate bench to use for Reverse Flys because the remaining incline benches are just too big, too tall, too wide for a short person with chronic sciatica. Or find a different exercise...

29 August 11:51-2:03
Thursday— All Cardio
Timolol / Sciatica / Short sleep (right hip-foot numb tingly)

Precor elliptical #1
Program 2
Time: 30 + 5 (5518)
Distance: 2.82
Cal: 311
Avg Hr: 144, 203-84
New FB: 53-142

HGPU 11 + 4 kipping

Matrix StairMaster (R) 12:46
Manual timer 8+2 cool down
Speed 5 (45-50) / 33-35 (2)
Steps 428
Floors 26
Cal 65
Hr 124


Life Fitness X-Trainer #6 (1:06)
Program Manual L1
Time: 20+5 (reverse cool down)
Distance: 2.31
Cal: 191
Avg Hr: 127-135

HGPU 10+2/2

20 Hip Bridges (1:44) pain right leg
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5 
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Arm rotations 20
Push-Ups 25 (numbing right leg)
Air Squats 25
Neck stretch / Eye yoga

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Just Too Damn Tired

Tummy troubles
I took my dogs to the vet early Friday morning, right before we left with a car packed full of student stuff. Yes, that time of the year when kids return to college. I was lucky the vet could squeeze us in and it was just me and the two pups. I didn't want to take any chances in case this was something contagious: one of my dogs had projectile diarrhea and since it was the color of ketchup, I assumed that it was blood. I'd had a bad experience with a young pup who hadn't been properly vaccinated against distemper, and although she recovered with a lot of TLC, I still have vivid memories of the bloody, messy stool.

The vet ran a lot of tests. One pup seemed fine. I brought him home. The other one had to stay for sedation, X-rays, and IV fluids. They didn't have overnight facilities and suggested an emergency vet two towns over. And another, more reputable animal emergency center that was a 45 minute drive on the highway. My dogs are not good in the car and worse with highways. If they weren't secured by the back seat belt, they'd both be in my lap, trying to steer. I'm lucky I had already enlisted a dog sitter to keep them at her own house for the weekend we planned to be traveling: she has a fenced yard and I do not. A commercial boarder would've rejected the dogs outright so it's good we lost our reservations to that place (they couldn't accommodate an unforeseen extra day). The dog(s) being ill did cost extra since they had to be quarantined from other dogs, especially since test results could take a day or two. 

The diagnosis was hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. The vet suggested pancreatitis as a possible cause, but I had had a dog with that and this pup did not have any of those symptoms. My dog sitter insisted the dogs must have giardia. It's not uncommon for one pup in a two-dog household to be infected while the rest of the family is fine. We drove up to Buffalo. My sciatica wasn't happy. I ate a lot of ibuprofen and gabapentin for the long ride. We got my kid settled in with his roommates, but of course, as soon as we left, he texted that he'd forgotten stuff. Like towels and sheets. Which were on his bed in a neat folded pile. Which I might've noticed if I hadn't been at the vet with the dogs, and left all the packing to the husband and son. Guess what's in the kid's first "care package" from home? Not cookies.

Come Monday, and the tests are back: negative for giardia, negative for pancreatitis. I bring the sick pup back to the vet so she can administer subcutaneous fluids. He's not eating or drinking, and he looks like his belly hurts. They increase the anti-nausea medication, and finally dispense Tylan powder in capsule form. Tylan has been a wonder drug for all my past pups with tummy troubles. We also have a case of Science Diet ID dog food for sensitive stomachs. It's labeled "digestive care: rice, vegetables & chicken stew," which is funny, considering that the can lists water, pork liver, and rice as the first three ingredients. It's at least tasty enough for my dogs to want to eat it.

It's Tuesday and I haven't had enough sleep which means I'm light-headed. My stomach is sensitive from ingesting all the ibuprofen for the past two weeks. That trip to Montreal and back was also 6 hours each way. The only things good about today is that the sick pup actually pooped something closer to the emoji rather than liquid that soaks into the soil, and that I got on elliptical #1 at the gym. The parking lot is crowded, probably because Dead Pool & Wolverine is still playing at the cinema next door, and it's "$5 Tuesday" and grade schools don't start until next week. (I so want to see that film! Maybe I'll go by myself this week?) The gym itself is relatively quiet. 

Wind Breaker is pedaling away on elliptical #2. There's a smattering of kids. I assume a lot of families are taking advantage of the long upcoming weekend and on vacation. But I'm not feeling it. I'm exhausted, and for the first time that I can remember, I actually don't finish and skip the cool down. I'm struggling with pull-ups as well, but oddly, make it to 15. Then I decide, against all reason, to do a few minutes on the step machine. Once I'm on and have already set the program to 8 minutes plus cool down, I realize how unrealistic that is, and cut that program short. I get 5 minutes and no cool down. But I do get another set of pull-ups!

I'm not sure if gym owner is just trying to save money, but there are box fans at both entrances to the Aerobics Room. It's been like that for a few weeks when there's no class in session. The room is cool enough though, and I do most of my routine. Actually, I do all of my routine, but there's a lot of discomfort with a few movements: hip thrusts, bird dogs, push-ups, one-leg hip thrusts, cobra pose. It's not just a dull ache in the tuchus (Yiddish for butt, and yes, I'm from NYC), but an unnerving, vibrating tingling and numbness that starts from the side of the right hip and runs down the back of the thigh, then emerges outside mid-calf and ends at the base of the fourth and fifth toes. 

However, I'm dreading making an appointment with a doctor because all they will do is write me a script for PT (physical therapy) which will charge me $25 a session and insist I come 3X weekly for several months. Like I'm not doing it already by coming to the gym?

27 August 11:44-1:16
Tuesday — All Cardio
Timolol / sciatica / no meds (right hip-foot numb tingly)
Post Buffalo trip / sick dog / 5.5 hrs sleep

Precor elliptical #1
Program 1 (end early)
Time: 30 (4500 steps)
Distance: 2.35
Cal: 255
Avg Hr: 79-149
New FB: 52-120 ?


Matrix StairMaster (R)
Manual timer 5 (no cooldown)
Speed 5 (50-55)
Steps 243
Floors 15
Cal 36
Hr? 120


20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5 (or 7?)
10 Hip Bridges & 10 one-leg ea (pain right outer calf)
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2 (pain right outer calf)
Arm rotations 20
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Neck stretch / Eye yoga
Wall Squat 120 sec

Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Second Midlife Crisis

I read an article recently that declared the human body goes through two significant aging events: once in one's 40s, and again in one's 60s. I'm not sure about the 40s since I felt and looked pretty good in my 50s, with an ability to perform significantly strenuous exercise routines. However, I'm certainly feeling older now that I'm in my mid-60s, and struggling to reconcile what my body is able to do and what I think it should be able to do. Take today for instance.

Granted, I got to the gym later than I'd like, and had to start my routine with the cross-trainer instead of the elliptical. The cross-trainer doesn't glide as nicely but allows one to use moving handles to increase exertion. The elliptical is a legs only machine. I do 25 minutes, and am by no means going as fast and hard as I've been capable of in the past. And pull-ups absolutely suck, with me barely getting 10 and wondering what the hell is wrong with me. I feel really weak and it's discouraging. (Not feeling particularly rested as I also slept on the sofa last night -- one of the dogs hasn't been well, and it's better if I'm able to get him out the front door quickly when the need arises...)

All the stair climbers are vacant but I choose to use one of the older models that I'm more familiar with. This time I set the timer for 8 minutes to allow for the 2 minute cool down that follows. Actually, I'm not certain that there was a full 2-minute cool down because the machine stalled a few times during that period. It did drop the speed to half, so level 6 became level 3. I go back to the Stretch Cage to have another go at pull-ups because I'm so upset with the first round. This time I get an full dozen. Not as good as the 15 I'd been hoping for, but better, and not quite as weak.

One of the two (out of four) elliptical machines has freed up so I'm back on the cardio platform. Even though I'm tired and drenched, I still select 30 minutes plus 5 minute cool down and Fitness Program #3. It's by far my worse cardio performance in a long time, but at least I got it done. I don't break 300 calories nor do I even come close to 2.9 in mileage... And my stomach is growling unhappily. It's so distracting! 

Sciatica takes a long, long time to heal and mine is still bothersome, making me wince and limp when I roll out of bed. It's clutches my calf and makes my foot go numb and tingly, sometimes causing my toes to spasm or my lower back to twinge, but only on one side. I've gone back to the old standby medications: ibuprofen and gabapentin at night. I'll need it tomorrow for the excruciating 6-hr drive to my kid's school: classes start on Monday and he needs to be fully moved in on Saturday. He's not even packed! And there's a mini fridge to load into the car along with clothes, snacks, and other important dorm-life items. 

I'll tell you about the laughable experience I'm having with the FitBit next week. Maybe the second replacement "pebble" will arrive by then. I got two separate packages today: one for the charger, and another package for the actual wrist bands. At least the packaging was heavy paper and thus recyclable...

22 August 12:06-2:19
Thursday — All Cardio
Timolol / sciatica!

Life Fitness X-Trainer #3
Program Manual L1
Time: 20+5 (reverse cool down)
Distance: 2.28
Cal: 192
Avg Hr: 110-136

HGPU 10+1 WTH is happening to me!

Matrix StairMaster (R) 12:46
Manual timer 8 min + 2 min cool down
Speed 6 (52-55) / 3 (36-33)
Steps 491
Floors 30
Cal 73
Hr? 67?


Precor elliptical #1
Program 3
Time: 30+5 (5212)
Distance: 2.72
Cal: 296
Avg Hr: 127, 175-109
No Fitbit

20 Hip Bridges (1:51)
(right leg sporadically going numb)
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
10 Hip Bridges & 10 one-leg ea
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Arm rotations 20
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Neck stretch / Eye yoga (so hungry!)
Wall Squat 90 sec

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

A Week of Driving & Walking

Too big a bench
I'm annoyed with my glaucoma doctor's office for scheduling me last week to come in for a Visual Field test while there were no staff available to answer any questions. It was a day I had originally planned to do a cardio day since Tuesday was a 6-hr drive to Montreal. We took a rest stop halfway there, at Schroon Lake, an Adirondack resort town just north of the Camp Read Scout Camp. We walked around a lot once we were in Montreal, having suffered the frustration of rush-hour traffic in the downtown area. Any place we could walk, we walked, and tallied anywhere from 10,050 to 19,050 steps. Then we had to drive home, so another 6+ hours on the road. Meanwhile, my sciatica made itself known with difficulties greatest in the morning as I get out of bed. Walking helps.

My sciatica has changed, not better or necessarily worse. But while sitting on too soft a chair is horribly painful, sitting on a hard seat feels okay. However, this is the first time that walking makes my lower leg, foot and toes go numb. Ugh. Eventually, I can walk it off but I have to push through the discomfort. I've been eating a lot of ibuprofen. And at night I take a dose of gabapentin to help me sleep.

Still not a great bench
We're traveling to Buffalo at the end of the week so my kid can move into his dorm room. He also has a few appointments this week, so I'm only able to hit the gym today and Thursday. Because I'm worried about losing strength, I decide to do an easy "normal" routine, which means cardio, weights, then core exercises. The free weight area isn't too crowded so it's the perfect time to see where I can set myself for the DB Shoulder routine. I'm going to skip the Seated Cable Row and Tricep workout until my sciatica is much better because both of those movements involve too much spine.

I'm initially on the bench inside the Smith machine, but after a quick warmup set with 10 lb DBs, I realize that this adjustable bench is too big for me. It's too tall and my feet can't reach the ground and there's no foot rest. It's too wide and sitting on it backward puts a lot of pressure on the wonky sciatic nerve. Ugh. I look around for an unused narrower adjustable bench. There are a few folks working out so I don't have free pick of the equipment. The next bench has a foot rest so Inclined Presses are better, but the yellow adjustable knob for the back of the bench is in my way for Reverse Inclined Flys and I have to keep my elbows bent to keep from bashing my hands. I really miss the old Inclined Breaker Bench since they fit a short person quite well. 

Since I haven't pushed weights in a long time, I keep it light and simple. My sciatica is really bothering me for silly things like hip bridges, dead bugs, hip stretches, bird dog planks make my calf and foot go numb, push-ups make my right calf throb, but air squats are okay if I go slow. Side bends are very unpleasant. But surprisingly, Wall Sits are fine. Ugh. I can't wait until my body recovers from this... At least the temps have dropped to a pleasant mid 60s. It's good sleeping weather when temps drop into the 50s.

20 August 11:42-1:40 Breezy Tuesday
Timolol / sciatica! Over a week & many miles

Precor elliptical #1
Program 2
Time: 30+5 (5438)
Distance: 2.79
Cal: 308
Avg Hr: 130, 176-77
No Fitbit

HGPU 12 Ugh! No stamina!

Easing back light sets
Incl DB Press s/s Lateral Raises s/s Rev Incline Flys
10 lbs x 25/15/25 (bench too big)
15 lbs x 25/15/25 (bench too wide)

20 Hip Bridges
(right leg sporadically going numb)
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
10 Hip Bridges & 10 one-leg ea
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Arm rotations 20
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Neck stretch / Eye yoga
Wall Squat 150 sec (2 min 30 sec)

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Opening the Door to Soup

Welp, our county has a tornado watch until 10 pm tonight and considering I live in NYS, that's kind of weird, but we live in weird times these days, with weird weather. Consider that last night was rainy but pleasantly cool with temps in the mid-60s. This morning, I opened the front door to what felt like hot soup. Before 8 AM! Summer camp was cancelled so it was just me and the dogs at the park today, with the wind and the occasional drizzle. It rains harder just as we get home, an hour later.

The gym is very crowded: I've forgotten that Fridays are busy! I'm also at the gym late and I'm stuck with elliptical #3, which clunks at certain simulated elevations. I stopped taking the gabapentin because I'm conserving it for our trip to Montreal. That's a painful 6 hour drive even without sciatica. I also suspect that it might be the reason I'm having issues with an uncharacteristically sluggish bowel. It is, after all, a nerve agent of sorts, although not an opioid. I did take ibuprofen last night, but none this morning. My glute and calf muscles are stiff and painful. Really though, it's nerve inflammation.

I'm an idiot waiting for packaging to arrive for my FitBit when careful reading of the fine print at the bottom of the email says to click here for instructions for shipping. After reading a lot of irrelevant information about swapping or removing sim cards, I realize that I can click on another link to download a pre-printed shipping label. Separately, there's a form to be included with the device to be repaired/replaced. Duh. Then I spend a few hours trying to located a FedEx store. There are none in my town, but one two towns over across from the train station, and one further south in the next county. The one across from the train only has street parking enough for two cars in front of 4 stores. The other one is in a shopping plaza. Both have mixed reviews, with many customers complaining that their packages were lost and never received by intended recipients. Uh oh.

My other choice is to find a drop box. There's one on the way to the gym, but street parking is hazardous. A friend knows someone on her road who was hit by a car at that very spot, and now suffers from neurological damage. Ugh. I can park in a lot behind the office that has the drop box though although spots there fill quickly. Once I make the drop, it's just a few hours before I get an email telling me that my package is on its way. Today, I get one announcing that a replacement will be sent to me via UPS. I'm pleased but frustrated because there's a UPS store in my town and it would have been easy for me to ship the FitBit out that way. A lot of companies want you to jump through the FedEx hoop but don't do it themselves.

All this means is that I'm not currently wearing a FitBit and have no idea what my HR is. However, I'm having a lot of trouble keeping pace with my self-imposed speed of 150 or better. I fall below that a lot today on the elliptical. Which means I'm not even close to making it to 2.8 or beyond. And the elliptical registers a low 73 BPM at one point, which is not entirely unexpected. I am literally dragging my butt.

Pull-ups feel slightly better for the first round, but slightly worse for the second and final round. I do manage to keep my speed on the old step machine although the right machine doesn't register HR. After all these years though, I finally figure out how to set the bloody timer on it! And then, I'm surprised when 10 minutes has elapsed and the machine wants to give me a 2-minute cool down. Uh, no thanks! Again, the handle button doesn't respond and I have to hit the big red STOP sign in the middle of the console to end the program.

There's a gaggle of teen boys in the Max Cage that's literally just a few feet away from the cardio platform. I wish they would learn how to set their weights down without slamming the plates. My AirPods are malfunctioning and tunes are streaming out of the right earbud. The left one is dead; I'm sure it somehow just didn't charge properly. I leave it in until I get to the Aerobics Room. On the step machine, I need both ear buds connected to the tether for balance, regardless of whether they both work or not. And I won't get on the step machine without a tether because I've already lost an ear bud down the the back of the machine once before.

I choose machine #5 for the cross-trainer. It glides well, and I'm even able to pedal backward during cool down. But I'm tired and hungry and sweaty. I don't do as well as previous runs. And there's still a painful tightness that clenches the outside of my ankle when I walk. I do the bare basics in the Aerobics Room and stop just after Bird Dogs. Even those were uncomfortable, and normally they're not. No push-ups, no air squats, no wall sits. Just some stretches and I'm done.

I might be able to squeeze a quick workout in on Monday. But my glaucoma doctor's office called me and said they wanted to schedule me sooner for a specific test (I can't remember the name of it) so I have an early afternoon appointment. Just as well since my right eye feels off, like there's a film on the upper edge that I keep trying to clear. Might be just extreme dryness. Hopefully it's not a progressing vision loss...

This post was written Friday, then we lost internet access although our power stayed on. Just got internet back today, Sunday...

9 August 11:55-1:56
Friday — All Cardio
Timolol / sciatica
Storm Debby & No Left Earbud

Precor elliptical #3
Program 1
Time: 30+5 (5352)
Distance: 2.76
Cal: 303
Avg Hr: 142, 183-73
No Fitbit

HGPU 15 (better)

Matrix StairMaster (R) 12:43
Manual 10 min 4 sec (2 min cool down w/ timer function)
Speed 6 (52-55) /
Steps 526
Floors 32
Cal 77
Hr? N/a

3 ibuprofen the night before / no gaba — constipation?


Life Fitness X-Trainer #5
Program Manual L1
Time: 20+5 (reverse cool down)
Distance: 2.04
Cal: 185
Avg Hr: 119-109

20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
10 Hip Bridges & 10 one-leg ea
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Arm rotations 20
Neck stretch / Eye yoga

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

MidWeek Struggles

Waiting for friends to play with
Am I better? I don't know. My sciatica continues to fuck with me, mostly when I first wake and on days I'm not active enough. Or more bluntly phrased, on days that I don't go to the gym. Because my gym routine has been cardio-heavy, I feel that that makes up for the many days I don't exercise although just my general daily routine (taking pups to the park, shopping, mild yard work) isn't enough to keep a sciatic flare up from happening later in the day. 

Today, I take an unopened bag of dog kibble to the local pet shelter. It's a reputable brand that I thought my pups liked, but I was wrong. Only one of them will eat it, and only if mixed with his regular kibble. The other pup sniffs it and walks away. They are the most finicky canines I have ever met. I also brought my two boxes of generic timolol maleate for dogs and cats that have glaucoma. I'm definitely allergic to that but more tolerant of the name-brand version, Timoptic. Proof that generics aren't the same as name brands.

I still get to the gym earlier than usual and I have my pick of the Precor ellipticals. Wind Breaker comes late and I'm secretly relieved that he's made it. He's become a sort of cardio fixture, showing up every day that I've been there. The FitBit battery life is getting worse, with a span of approximately 12 hours now. It's a good thing I don't rely on it. Seriously. And I have no idea when that label will arrive that allows me to ship it back to the manufacturer to be replaced. Feels like that's going to take several weeks as well... Yeah, not at all impressed with Google products. 

The HS and college kids don't trickle in until later. I'm finding that Tuesdays and Thursdays are much busier now, with everyone avoiding the MWF Senior classes. Someone from the early morning group is ambling about with his phone. He makes a foray onto the cardio platform for no good reason other than to get my attention by walking close to the ellipticals. People in that group are one of the reasons I don't go to the gym earlier in the day, but perhaps they haven't realized that... It's not a social club for me the way it is for some.

I had a decent night's sleep but I was really struggling on cardio today. I didn't make it to 2.8 and eventually the FitBit confirms that my HR peaked at 116. Pull-ups were okay, but I've done better in the not so distant past. I have to drop my speed on the stair machine after 5 minutes. It's alarming that the handle button for the Stop function doesn't work and I have to tap the console instead, but this is only an issue on the Left machine (I usually use the Right machine). A kid was just exiting that, and the unspoken ick factor says you skip over the "hot" station unless it's the only one available. I notice that at the end of a line of recumbent and stationery bikes, there is the addition of a regular touring bike, but stationery. That's new!

The cross-trainer is not better today. I'm on a different machine and this one grinds angrily when I try to pedal backward during the cool down. Oh well. At least I survived all 25 minutes even though my stomach was grumbling angrily. That's relatively new as well. Normally I get hunger pangs in spurts but never noisy rumbles! 

I do everything I need to do in the nicely air-conditioned Aerobics Room. Everything except the Wall Sits: I just don't have the energy. Stupid beta blocker. Stupid sciatica. I can taste and smell the briny ocean; no it's just me being absolutely drenched from all the cardio. I took a dose of gabapentin before bed but skipped the ibuprofen. My stomach developed a dull ache after I took some and my digestive tract hasn't been the same since. I have dosed myself a few more times with NSAIDs to reduce the inflammation that occurs when I'm stationery for too long, like when I'm sleeping. Should I be worried?

Last night was the first night I slept back in my bed although I haven't spoken to the husband since I yelled at him Monday morning. I shared the sofa with one of the dogs Monday and Tuesday night: it's cooler in the living room and the sofa is moderately better for my sciatica. But mostly because my husband, like a petulant child, got mildly drunk Monday night and when he drinks, he snores loudly and acts out in his sleep. 

I'm so angry with him that even though he was sober Tuesday and this morning, I can't look at him or talk to him. In a few days I might be calmer. He's away but back on Friday. We have tickets to see Lindsey Stirling on Saturday. She puts on a spectacular show with costumes and choreography so I'm hoping that the tix I bought will allow us a better view than last time when we had nosebleed seats (different venue)... I'm fully prepared to take my kid by myself and leave the husband home if he hasn't gotten his shit together.  

7 August 11:28-
Wednesday— All Cardio
Timolol / sciatica / gabapentin
Rain all week

Precor elliptical #1
Program 3
Time: 30+5 (5412)
Distance: 2.78
Cal: 306
Avg Hr: 137, 188-77/76
?? Fitbit: 50-116 (!)

HGPU 15 (5 partials)

Matrix StairMaster (L)
Manual 10 min 10 sec (handle stop non functional)
Speed 6 (52-55) / 4 (40-38)
Steps 471
Floors 29
Cal 70
Hr? 100


Life Fitness X-Trainer #4
Program Manual L1
Time: 20+5 (skip reverse grinds)
Distance: 2.20
Cal: 189
Avg Hr: 110

20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
10 Hip Bridges & 10 one-leg ea
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Arm rotations 20
Neck stretch / Eye yoga

Monday, August 5, 2024

Weekend Spillover

I was certain I'd do worse than Friday and that was correct for pull-ups, but I did slightly better on the elliptical and the stair machine. The cross-trainer felt better (and I actually pedaled backwards for the cool down) but I did exactly the same mileage and calorie-wise. Which I suppose is good. I'm tired and feeling the residual effects of taking a before-bed dose of gabapentin to help me sleep through my sciatic discomfort. Which means I'm feeling a bit altered. It might be the gaba, or the lack of proper sleep. I've spent the past two nights on the sofa.

There was too much snoring and sleep yelling Saturday night. Yesterday there was just too much drama. The husband broke his sober streak and has been drunk each night. And drunk means loud, clumsy and obnoxious. Drunk means the absolute worst personality emerges, like a Jekyll & Hyde. But instead of being mean and nasty to me, he harangued my son with horrible rambling speech where he told him that he was fighting reasons not to kill him. What?! That he'd toss his body into the swamp behind our house and no one would ever find him. WTF?! Because my son is gay and my husband has the emotional maturity of a 6-year old and the image issues of an insecure pre-teen. The husband is bemoaning the end of his lineage. Excuse me? This is the man who didn't want kids to begin with. 

Only monsters threaten their own children with death. My son left the house and had a friend come by to drive him somewhere he felt safe. He spent the night there. My husband stumbled to bed after breaking a lamp and trashing his side of the bedroom. I spent the night texting my son, making sure he was okay. He doesn't feel safe around my husband and I don't blame him.

My husband, at his computer this morning before rushing off to work, feigned ignorance about last night and was annoyed that I confronted him. I told him he needed to apologize for being such an ass. And that he's destroying that fragile relationship he's worked so hard to build with our son. I questioned whether he actually loved his kid. Later, I picked my son up from his friend's house and on the drive home, he told me he got a text apologizing for last night although the husband claims he doesn't remember what he said. I'm not sure I believe that.

I texted my husband that he has a choice: buy liquor and get drunk and become that vile monstrous person, or don't buy liquor. I told him what my kid told me he'd said, so he has no excuse about not remembering. I'm so disgusted that I'm considering legal options. Threaten my kid? Better watch yourself! 

Well, after all that, let me post something cute I found online:

5 August 11:54-1:55
Monday — All Cardio
Timolol / sciatica / gabapentin

Precor elliptical #1
Program 2
Time: 30+5 (5562)
Distance: 2.83
Cal: 314
Avg Hr: 148, 188-82
?? Fitbit: 49-126

HGPU 14 (ugh!)

Matrix StairMaster (R)
Manual 10 min
Speed 6 (52-55) / 5 (50-48)
Steps 513
Floors 31
Cal 75
Hr 188


Life Fitness X-Trainer #2
Program Manual L1
Time: 20+5 (rev)
Distance: 2.32
Cal: 191
Avg Hr: 117-124

20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
10 Hip Bridges & 10 one-leg ea
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Arm rotations 20
Neck stretch / Eye yoga
    Skip Wall Squat 90 sec

Friday, August 2, 2024

Can't Trust the FitBit

My sciatica hasn't gotten any better. The primary care doc's office finally returned my call and gave me the okay to take ibuprofen/gabapentin if I needed. I skipped exercise yesterday and limped to the gym today. It's going to be another cardio-heavy workout. I know the Timoptic is working because my BP has dropped to a normal rate, or at least that's what my home BP has told me. And today I'm really struggling through both elliptical routines as well as the stair machine.

Although I normally only have some coffee before I hit the gym, I was hugely surprised at how hungry and tired I was while exercising. I'm used to a passing hunger pang and some tummy growling, but not persistent, debilitating hunger. So distracting! I do slightly better on the Precor, slightly better on the stair machine (because it's the old machine but I did have to cut the speed in half after 5 minutes), and slightly better on the cross-trainer. I also added a second and third set of pull-ups. It can't be that!

Anyway, that's my excuse for skipping out of a few of the core exercises in the Aerobics Room. Especially since throughout my entire workout, I could feel nerve stress, sciatic stress on the outside calf and sometimes in the hamstring. The only time I didn't feel any pain was pedaling the Precor elliptical, but everywhere else, that inflamed nerve bundle made itself unhappily known. It's hot and humid today and the dogs went to the park and were disappointed that no one came to play. Maybe tomorrow as it'll be the weekend.

I reconnect the FitBit to the phone app once I turn off my iPod. The wrist appliance is periodically legible and tells me that it's detected that I'm using an elliptical. For 27 minutes. Really? It tells me this as after I finish a set of pull-ups. Jeeze. I could manually log all this into the FitBit app but that takes time and focus, and honestly, I can't be bothered. I can barely log my notes accurately so I don't need yet another distraction. 

In reality, I'm only using the device to log my sleep, and my peak and resting HRs. Still waiting for replacement packaging to be sent to me so I can return this and get one that works. Hopefully one that works for longer than 6 months... The battery life is getting shorter and shorter. I think it's down to 15 hours now.

2 August 11:38-1:50
Friday — All Cardio
Timolol / sciatica

Precor elliptical #1
Program 1
Time: 30+5 (5470)
Distance: 2.80
Cal: 308
Avg Hr: 137, 186-77
?? Fitbit: 49-132
Starving hungry!

HGPU 15 (ugh!)

Matrix StairMaster (R) (12:29)
Manual 10 min
Speed 6 (52-55) / 3 (33-40)
Steps 447
Floors 27
Cal 68
Hr 161? I can’t believe how tired I am!

HGPU 15 
exhausted already!

Life Fitness X-Trainer #6 (12:48-1:15)
Program Manual L1
Time: 20+5 (rev)
Distance: 2.32
Cal: 191
Avg Hr: 117-124

HGPU 12 (!)

20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
10 Hip Bridges & 10 one-leg ea
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25 (right outer calf)
   Skip Air Squats 25
Arm rotations 20
Neck stretch / Eye yoga
   Skip Wall Squat 90 sec

Five Days Off But Not a Vacation

I finally made it to the gym today, although a lot later than usual. I had a horribly stressful morning, with driving gingerly after last ni...