Thursday, July 6, 2023

Another Scorcher

Temps could be worse so I shouldn't be complaining. And it is July after all. But it's too hot for me at 89F. Too hot for the pups as well, although that doesn't stop them from wanting to go to the park. (It does feel cooler there due to the leafy tree coverage.) And I do take them, after I get back from the gym. I get to the gym late though and wonder what I should sacrifice to make up for the time I've lost. It turns out that roadwork delays add more time than I can possibly make up for. It's a good thing dogs can't tell time. And I'm glad I'm not the fellow standing in the roadway with the hardhat on in the blistering heat, holding the Stop/Slow sign.

I consider doing less time at cardio but ultimately stick with 35 minutes since it's unlikely I'll be at the gym tomorrow, and I don't go on weekends. Plus, we're driving 6 hrs to Buffalo on Sunday. Egads. Because I'm later than usual, I already know that I don't have time to use the Aerobics Room before the Body Pump class starts. At least the a/c is on throughout the gym! There's only one person in the functional gym area and he's moving between two opposing stations. I lay a mat down in the corner and do as much of my core routine as possible. 

Planks, push-ups, and the cat stretch are still unpleasant with me feeling a burning ache in the left glute. Previous bouts of sciatica didn't have this reaction, however they were more acute. So this time the sciatica symptoms are more and less disturbing: toe and foot numbness, burning and stretching pain in the glute area, throbbing ache when I sit. Usually, it's just deep radiating pain. Each year it's different and I can only guess that it's the shifting spinal discs and how they're impinging the sciatic nerve... Well, at least I can still pedal the elliptical and do air squats.

6 July June 2023
Short Thursday w sciatica

Precor elliptical #1
Program 1
Time: 30 + 5 (5480)
Distance: 2.80
Cal: 309
Avg Hr: 130,182-79

20 Hip Bridges
Crunches 60 knees bent
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
20 Hip Bridges
  Hurts Sciatica Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
  Hurts Sciatica Cat stretch 6
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
  Hurts Sciatica Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Upper body stretch
Eye yoga

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