Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Abbreviated Workout

I hadn't anticipated being caught in traffic this morning. It literally took 15 minutes to go between traffic lights in the center of town due to road construction. It normally takes a minute or less. I also have new white tape which refuses to be ripped with plain ol' fingers, probably because it seems to have a plastic facing instead of paper. Instead, I have to bring a pocket knife in my bag to slice the tape into sections to apply to my hands and fingers. Yes, today is whack the machine day.

I get my 10 min warm up done, and spend another 10 minutes wrapping my hands before I can start. School is on an early dismissal schedule so I'm already short on time. I argue with myself about where to cut my workout. Play it by ear. I do 5 rounds of Beginner. My Power stat is way up at 168% in spite of the sore right first knuckle. Unfortunately, cysts just don't melt away by themselves. I check the clock, and cut my next session by one round. Four rounds of Intermediate leaves me sweaty and breathless. I swear the Intermediate round is harder than the Advance because of the erratic pacing and flaky interface. There's no time to do a session at Advance without risking getting stuck in the locker room, or in road traffic. Gotta go!

I've stuffed all my gear into a large back pack but it's not quite large enough. Sigh. I guess I really do have to buy another gym bag. Oh well… Working tomorrow and another half day on Thursday with an eye doc appt that morning means no gym until Friday. And then that'll be a rush since I have a follow up doc appt with my Primary. T'is the season to be rushed…

Tuesday Workout

10 min elliptical = 0.83 miles / 93 cal

5 rounds Beginner Follow Me
4 rounds Intermediate Follow Me

photos posted for actual stats:

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High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...