Friday, March 7, 2025

I Hate Daylight Saving Time

On Sunday, my phone and most other devices will automatically reflect the loss of an hour, meaning we will be waking an hour earlier. I still have to adjust a few time settings manually, like the microwave and the clock inside my car. The dogs will be happy to go to the park earlier. And since I tend to stay up late and get up late, I might not really notice. So, maybe it won't be so bad.

I only made it to the gym twice this week. Monday was an all cardio program with pull-ups in between. Since it's been a while, I decided to do the combo: cardio, pull-ups, DB shoulders and end with the core and body weight movements. I even felt guilty enough to add Walking Lunges and a cursory attempt at Wall Squats. I didn't make it past 90 seconds and I blame the Walking Lunges. I'm gonna feel those tomorrow.

We had some torrential rain so I'm glad I had the sump pump replaced and everything fixed in my below ground, unfinished half basement. The stream along side our road is gushing and I can hear it as I walk the dogs at night even though we are a good 40-50 yards from the tiny, irregular and rocky waterway.

I'm in the midst of composing a scathing letter to my bank. It's a small local bank but that's no excuse for the lack of planning on their part for shutting down their strip-only ATM/debit cards without any warning. Yes, I have one of those ancient cards that has no chip. It worked fine until Friday when it was declined everywhere except at the ATM. That would mean carrying cash to pay for everything. Which I can do, but then there's a lot of leftover change to carry around in my bag. 

I contacted the bank and their online customer support got snotty by telling me that notices were posted atop the monthly bank statements. Uh, the bank hasn't mailed out statements in years. Okay, then if I log onto the bank website I'll see everything on the "dashboard" so why would I want to download a "statement" which I'd actually have to look for and download. And why wasn't this important information posted on the bank's Message Center which is where the bank posts notices about banking scams and promotional items. No answer from customer support. 

I call the bank on Monday to ask if I need to come in to get a new card. The old lady voice at the other end assures me that I'll get a new card since my chip is broken. No, no, my card never had a chip. No, that's not possible. I tell her I don't want to be hit with the $10 service fee for not using my debit card/ATM card 10 times in a month since I don't actually have a card that works now and a new month has started. Oh, no, you have 6 months. Uh, no, every month I see a line that says monthly fee charged with a $0 amount, which leads me to believe the Bank charges monthly. 

I go to the dog park. When I return, there's a voicemail from the Bank. It's the old lady apologizing. The bank staff just got an email that morning telling them the non-chip debit/ATM cards have been deactivated, but new cards would be sent out. Uh, shouldn't the bank have sent out new cards first before killing all the old cards? And an actual notice to the customers and staff BEFOREHAND would've really helped. It's not rocket science. 

Yeah, I worked for a bank once a long time ago. There's supposed to be people who plan this before enacting all the changes. Should I blame Gen Z? I got told a few weeks ago, when I referred to myself as a tail-end Boomer, that we're different from "leading edge Boomers". From 1954-1965, our generation is also known (apparently only to some) as Generation Jones, as in "keeping up with the Jones." I think that actually tracks since I feel like I have less in common with a lot of the older Boomers, and more kinship with younger generations. Or, maybe it's just me. Refusing to grow old. (This week I'm the same age as my brother!) Next week, I'll be technically "old" although I'm not sure I want to refer to myself as a Senior Citizen. Even the term makes me shudder... 

7 March 2025 12:07-2:01
Friday — Cardio and then some
Cold & Blustery

Precor elliptical #1
Program 2
Time: 30 + 5 (5442)
Distance: 2.79
Cal: 308
Avg Hr: 159, 192-84
New FB: 44-132


Incl DB Press s/s Lateral Raises s/s Rev Incline Flys
10 lbs x 25/15/25 (12:57)
15 lbs x 25/15/25 (1:03)
29/15/20 x 25/15/25 x 1 (1:12);
2 (1: 20); 3 (1:28)

20 Hip Bridges 
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
Piriformis stretches
Child’s Pose
Cat/Cow stretch 12
Child’s Pose
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2 (numb toes)
Push-Ups 25
Arm rotations 20
Air Squats 25
Neck stretch / Eye yoga
Walking Lunges 20/21
Wall Squat 90 sec

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I Hate Daylight Saving Time

On Sunday, my phone and most other devices will automatically reflect the loss of an hour, meaning we will be waking an hour earlier. I stil...