Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Daylight Saving Still Kicking My Butt

My glutes were sore for two days after doing Walking Lunges on Friday. The loss of an hour of sleep on Sunday didn't help at all. I'm not a morning person, although my bedroom faces southeast and eventually the sun smacks you in the face through a half-moon window over regular windows that have curtains. The half-moon window is bare. I skipped the gym yesterday: generally, Mondays are crowded as people try to make up for an indulgent weekend. It was fairly quiet today, and since it was also really warm outside peaking in the mid 60s, a lot of folks chose to enjoy the great outdoors. I think the weather groundhog was annoyed at being woken up and just lied about how long Winter was going to last. Seems like Spring is already here.

I've been staying later at the dog park to give the pups a chance to play with friends who don't show up until 10 AM. Unfortunately, a dog who doesn't get along with one of my guys, has recovered from the dog fight he started, and showed up before the friends did. Luckily, the dog park was designed with two attached but separate and smaller fenced enclosures, and my boys got to do their social doggy things with their pals.

This means I'm getting to the gym later than usual, and I'm always tempted by this point, to be doing something else. Like, I really need to get my car washed. But that's out of my way and such a hassle. I might wait until I have my kid with me because it's really annoying having these car wash guys try to flirt with me. Apparently they think I look South American. Which is kind of surprising, although when I was a teen, my mom permed my hair badly and all the Puerto Rican boys started trying to get my attention. Ugh. 

I have my choice of elliptical machines but I'm tired and my glutes are still a tad sore. This is literally the worst I've done on the Precor in a long time! Not that I was surprised though since I can normally pedal at 150 strides per minute or better, and today I was struggling to get past 145. When I'm zipping along, I can reach 220 for several seconds, but that's all out sprinting during a HIIT cardio program. I haven't done THAT in a really long time, like in years. It's punishing, and I've not been bored enough to tackle that type of challenge lately.

Last week I did slightly better at pull-ups, but considering how much my cardio sucked today, I was happy that I was only off by a rep for each set. The core routine was fairly routine except I lost count doing push-ups so I'm just assuming I knocked out 25 reps. I tend to lose track of the count at 15-16 and I'm not sure why. 

It does help if I actually count out loud though because I can remember what I said, or the sound of what was said, even if my brain is too addled to recognize what the number is. I find this especially true when I'm entering a code that got texted to me and I have to type it in somewhere else. If I say it aloud, I can remember the sequence so much better than if I try to visually memorize it. Weird, right? 

11 March 2025 12:19-2:17
Tuesday — All Cardio
Early Spring Cardio

Precor elliptical #1
Program 3
Time: 30 + 5 (5336)
Distance: 2.76
Cal: 302
Avg Hr: 1154, 202-75
New FB: 42-130

HGPU 17.5

Matrix StairMaster (R)
Manual timer 8+2 cool down
Minimum 5 minutes
Speed 5 (52-45) / 2 (38-36) / 1 (29)
Steps 429
Floors 26
Cal 65
Hr 127


Life Fitness X-Trainer #4 
Program Manual L1
Time: 12 (+3 min cool down) = 15
Distance: 1.17
Cal: 110
Avg Hr: 122-126


20 Hip Bridges 
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
Piriformis stretches
Child’s Pose
Cat/Cow stretch 12
Child’s Pose
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Arm rotations 20
Air Squats 25
Neck stretch / Eye yoga

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Daylight Saving Still Kicking My Butt

My glutes were sore for two days after doing Walking Lunges on Friday. The loss of an hour of sleep on Sunday didn't help at all. I'...