Thursday, November 14, 2024

Winter Weather

I woke up to 26F, not that I was surprised. The weather app on my phone is fairly accurate for temperature and wind, although it tells me that it's raining/not raining when the opposite is apparent. It hasn't rained in weeks so there's been a burn ban in effect and several forest fires have broken out, most notably in Sterling Forest, home of the NY Renaissance Faire. Dogs were quite happy to run about the park, but of course, there was no one else there to play with. 

My fingertips have painful fissures even though I slather them with petrolatum, Aquaphor, or Bag Balm several times a day. I feel like I'm either sticky or crackly dry at any given moment. I'm very happy that the HotHands I bought last year in bulk are so easy to use, and last nearly 12 hours. I did a few errands and then I went to the gym.

There were very few cars in the parking lot when I arrived. There was a guy on elliptical #4 and no one else, so I got on #1, which is my preference. Later, a woman I didn't recognize got on elliptical #2. I guess it was preferable to #3. No Wind Breaker today. I'm surprised that I actually make it past 2.8, but since I also did cardio on Tuesday, and I tend to get better as the week goes on, well... it was still a pleasant surprise. Of course tomorrow, a Cardio Day, will probably suck, mostly because I did Walking Lunges and Wall Sits at the end of my workout today.

The free weight area isn't too crowded and I'm able to score a Nautilus bench very close to the DB rack. A few minutes later the Odd Couple show up and she works out on an adjacent bench while he's at a Bench Cage a few stations away. I get all my sets done without any issues and afterward I slip into the Aerobics Room since there's a side door right next to the DB rack. It's actually really cold there and the outer back door isn't even open. 

I expected push-ups to give my shoulder some issues, but they were fine today. Even the knees (that were stiff and creaky yesterday) managed to handle Walking Lunges, Air Squats and Wall Sits just fine. Not that Wall Sits were easy. No, my quads and toes were screaming for the entire 2 full minutes. 

I got my lab results back for my cholesterol and they are slightly higher than last time, so that's borderline high and needs action. At least the hypertension meds are working!  A drastic change in my diet might drop my lipid levels. Or not. I know a fellow from the dog park who is an avid elderly triathlete (he's in his 70s). He's also kosher vegetarian. And he's on statins for his cholesterol. Because sometimes, no matter what you do, your genetics will still get you.

14 Novt 2024 11:47-1:37
Thursday — Mix
Freezing Day
Brilliant Day — Timolol / sciatica
Losartan dose increased to 100 mg

Precor elliptical #1
Program 2
Time: 30 + 5 (5536)
Distance: 2.82
Cal: 312
Avg Hr: 157, 188-77
New FB: 53-128

Incl DB Press s/s Lateral Raises s/s Rev Incline Flys
10 lbs x 25/15/25 (12:32)
15 lbs x 25/15/25 (12:38)
20/15/20 x 25/15/25 x 1 (12:45); 2 (12:52); 3 (1:00)

20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
Piriformis stretches
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Arm rotations 20
Walking Lunges 20/21
Air Squats 25
Neck stretch / Eye yoga
Wall Squat 120 sec

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High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...