Thursday, February 4, 2021

Snow Shoveling Adventures

Winter Storm Orlena morphed into a Nor'easter that dumped snow over two days. We shoveled 4 times just to keep up. Shoveling doesn't bother me but as the storm progressed, the snow got heavier with a higher moisture content. It did leave me sweaty and breathless like a good cardio workout although it's more akin to full-body exertion. I've read a lot of advice about shoveling snow, about lifting with your legs, keeping a straight back, and not twisting. But the advice to "turn your whole body to the side and let the snow fall off the shovel" is plain impractical if not ridiculous, especially if where you need the snow to go is actually higher than where you're shoveling. 

I also shoveled out the front gate to the Bark Park the day after the storm because my dogs were getting cabin fever. They'd been out for walks on the slushy salted road and through the yard in deep snow, but as they don't listen very well, they hadn't had any opportunity to run about. They can only do that in the security of a totally fenced yard, or in my case, at the Bark Park. 

The snow blocking the gate was 2 feet deep. There's also an inner gate. I shoveled that yesterday, then went home and got the dogs. While they were racing through the pristine snowfall, I shoveled a rough path to the shed and picnic table at the top of the hill. I also shoveled open the gates to the Small Dog Park and the Playground. Today, I brought the dogs early and shoveled rough paths to both side parks. After 90 minutes, I was ready to pack them up but one of their friends, a shepherd puppy, arrived so we hung out for another 20 minutes. But we wanted to leave before the Big Dog arrived. Everyone has cabin fever and the weather tomorrow is not promising to be a good outdoor day: snow, then rain. With the amount of snow we have, that's just going to create slick, slippery conditions as we're due another visit from the Polar Vortex. That means Arctic temps. 

I get the gym a little past noon today. It's been a week and not only are my traps sore but I have tendonitis in my left wrist, specifically under the base of the thumb (De Quervain's tendinosis). The sore traps don't bother me although I am a bit surprised that they're sore but not really the rest of me. The tendonitis is a pain though because it impedes further shoveling. Those damn weak links! It's from holding the shovel in my left since the power arm is on the right for pushing and shoving. At least it didn't interfere with my limited exercise routine today. There'd be problems if I had to hold DBs or do pull-ups. I'm so tired though I almost took a quick snooze lying in the Aerobic Room between crunches and piriformis stretches. Almost. 

4 February 2021
Tendonitis Thursday

Precor elliptical
35 min
Program 3
HR 79, 85, 134-183
Cal 306
Distance 2.78

Crunches x 60 x 2
Piriformis Stretch
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Bent Knee Glute Kickbacks 25 x 2
Plank 60s
Pushups 50
Quick Mat Stretch

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