Monday, July 27, 2020

Inching Back in the Heat

It hasn't been a week yet since I last posted, since I last worked out in my living room. Because it's too hot. I don't have air conditioning in my garage. A fan is simply not enough. The air is stifling. It's hotter this week with a thunderstorm to look forward to, but in a few days. The a/c that is running upstairs to counter the 90 plus degrees is barely enough to keep the rest of the house comfortable if you sit very still. We do have fans facilitating cross-current breezes. 

There is absolutely no room to exercise in the cool upstairs so once again I do some slow bodyweight movements. Today I decided to try something I've only ever seen on videos: the one-leg deadlift. To make sure I'm thoroughly warmed up, I do a lot of air squats, arm circles and side bends. But I'm careful to pace myself because I don't want to break a sweat. 

I had a very hard time making it to ten reps for the one-legged deadlift. It's hot and I'm wearing my house shoes which are basically oversized, backless Keene sandals that I bought nearly 20 years ago. They'll fall off as I bend over and straighten my back leg so I opt to try this barefoot while standing on a thin yoga mat. Have I mentioned how uncomfortable I am unshod, and not just because I'm flat-footed with a bunion, hammertoes, and a still-healing big toenail. (BTW, it's still not healed up after nearly 8 months!) 

My right-side dominance for strength naturally means I start with my right foot planted while I slowly bend over with my arms out and my left back legs straight out behind me. The idea is to bend over and touch the floor with arms extended, then return to the upright position while bringing the left leg in with kneed bent. The left leg, theoretically, should not touch the floor between each rep. 

However, I'm only able to get to rep 3 before the arch of my foot and inside ankle start to hurt. (I have unpleasantly flexible ligaments, except the ones connected to those three hammertoes.) By rep 7, I've actually put on my trainers to give the feet more support. My ankle and arch still hurt but not as much. To make it to 10 reps, I have to brace myself with an outstretched hand while I bend over. The left leg fares only slightly better. Both ankles and arches are embarrassingly weak! 

While I don't really feel any benefits or stress in my core, hamstrings or quads, my ankles and feet are sore afterward. It's obvious that I need to try this exercise more often in the hopes that my weak spots will strengthen. Maybe as soon as tomorrow if I'm not too sore. 

I also do crunches and planks, and finally, remember to do bird dogs as well. I skip side planks though. Maybe next time. Maybe tomorrow even though temps promise to be in the 90s again. I finish with a set of pushups, and then a few gentle stretches while sitting on a yoga mat on the floor. 

27July2020 1:20 pm
89°F outside /79°F inside

12 arm circles x 8
25 air squats x 6
12 bodyweight good mornings x 6
25 side bends x 4
25 side twists x 4
10 single leg deadlift (each leg)
25 crunches x 1
25 legs up x 1
25 horizontal scissors x 1
25 fire hydrants x 2
Elbow plank 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s
PushUps 25
Easy mat stretch

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