This past weekend, we finally fixed the puddle in front of the garage door with several bags of crushed bluestone gravel. It took three days to get it from Home Depot because the first day we went, the store wasn't allowing customers inside unless they were there to pick up an order. Ugh.
We went home and placed an order for the only gravel listed as available online and instore: garden pea gravel. Then we waited all the next day for an email or text from the store. Which never came. So on the third day, we drove to the store with our order number. No one was waiting in line outside. The service rep, who wore her mask under her nose (rendering it fairly ineffective for her own protection), checked the system and said our order was still being filled. The website had listed 191 bags in stock. She told us we could get the gravel ourselves and then she'd close the order.
The outdoor Garden Center didn't actually have the pea gravel. Or any gravel, except for bags of crushed bluestone. There were bags of rounded river rocks but we decided those would be too big to walk on comfortably. The cashier never checked that we had the right materials or the correct number of bags. I think the pea gravel might've been a few cents more expensive but it wasn't worth the hassle of voiding the order and having to stand in another line just to check out.

After the routine core/ab exercises, pushups and pullups, I fish out the bar my husband bought to affix to the Power Straps. It clips to the straps in a fixed width, making it easier to do Inverted Rows. Without the bar, you're forced to use a neutral grip. With the bar, you can use an overhand or underhand grip, much as you'd use on a Smith machine, or your kitchen table. I don't have the best form but still better than nothing.
The 15 lb DBs are useful for doing SuperSets of Presses, Front Raises and Lateral Raises. I haven't figured out the adjustable square DB system that my husband bought years ago. Those make perfect footrests though when I need to stabilize myself on the bench. It's such an old bench that neither of us can figure out what exactly the angled upper portion is for since there's no way to secure it in position.

Tuesday Workout
Vision elliptical
Program: manual
20 min
Miles: 1.76
Calories: 161
HR 74-138
Crunches 60/60
Elbow Plank 60s
Bench Knee-Ins 50
Bicycles 60
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s
Side Planks 2 x 60s
Pushups 25
Bodyweight squats 25
Strap Inverted Row w/ bar overhand 12, 15
DB SuperSet x 3 sets
Press x 25
Alt Front Raises x 12
Lateral Raises x 12
Split Squat 12 each leg
EZ Bar Rip Skulls 30 lbs x 12 x 3
EZ Bar BB Curl 30lbs x 25
EZ Bar RG Curl 30 x 25
Quick stretch
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