Saturday, April 20, 2019

With A Grain of Salt

I did an abbreviated Whack the Machine workout yesterday, with just 12 rounds instead of the usual 15. Yeah, I skipped the Advance rounds because I had a doctor's appointment and needed extra travel time. Traffic is always unpredictable, especially on a Friday before a big holiday weekend.

It's been very humid lately so I got warmed up quickly. That's both a blessing and a curse. My lungs don't burn from dehydration. Instead, I feel like I'm drowning but only momentarily. I'd like to think that my adherence to the HIIT cardio training I do a few times a week has increased my endurance. It's rare that I feel any sort of muscular fatigue or lactic acid burn. The only pain I feel is in my right elbow while I'm doing a set of pull-ups afterward. It's a bit distressing since I'd skipped Thursday at the gym and my elbows should have been well-rested. Perhaps throwing punches, crosses, hooks, and jabs have inflamed those delicate tendons?

This week I read an article on Vice exploring the ingestion of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3, aka baking soda) and creatine as an athletic supplement to aid recuperation and increase performance. The use of baking soda as a pH buffer to reduce blood and muscle acidity has been common knowledge for some years now. It is being touted as not only an ergogenic aid that aids "physical performance, stamina, and recovery," but also as a way to reduce post-workout fatigue and soreness.

The addition of creatine, a popular supplement that increases ATP production (cellular energy), muscle size, and strength has been shown to not only prolong endurance but also provide a bigger spike in power. It's tempting, but like all additives, there are caveats. The accepted effective dosing is ridiculously large at 200-500 mg of baking soda per kg of body weight. That translates to 10,000-25,000 mg for someone of my size (111 lbs or 50 kg). The FDA recommendation for daily sodium intake is less than 2,300 mg. For someone who is sodium-sensitive (like me), that number drops to 1,500.

Taking baking soda would skyrocket my blood pressure, maybe my IOPs and definitely make me feel awful. Since I don't feel particularly sore, nor am I having any issues with my endurance or performance, I'll pass. But it's something to consider if you're looking for a nutritional enhancement if you aren't sodium-sensitive.

Whacking Good Friday

10 min x-trainer
Calories 81
Miles 1.22

T, Y & I Raises
5lbs x 15 x 2

Mid-Band Pulls 15
High Band Pulls 15
Cage Stretch

Nexersys FM
Beginner 7r
Intermediate 5r


Quick Mat Stretch


  1. Interesting articles! My favorite sentence: "Combining [creatine] with baking soda (preferably with beakers and test tubes while cackling through a thunderstorm) could result in a potent concoction that improves your endurance." Something to consider for CrossFit competitions.

    1. Yes, I did think of you when I read that. ;-)


High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...