Monday, March 18, 2019

Rethinking the Blood Work Numbers

My doctor isn't worried about my elevated cholesterol since it's actually lower than last year, and it's only high because both my HDLs and LDLs are high. But not high enough to warrant any concern. However, a lot of new studies on cholesterol levels seem to indicate that perhaps less is better. Granted, these studies were all conducted on people already in the care of cardiologists due to cardiac events or the likely threat of one. And granted, a lot of these studies seem geared towards taking the stigma off of statin use, what with all the talk of rhabdomyolysis and/or liver toxicity.

So, I probably shouldn't be worried that my HDLs are greater than 70 mg/dL and my LDLs are 120. The lab key states that LDLs should be under 130. The first studies I read about suggested that critically dangerous levels were over 100 and optimal levels are below 80. 60 mg/dL is optimal. So, really I should cut my LDL level in half. A different study indicates that high HDLs are no longer considered protective and mine are high because anything over 60 is high. Uh oh... My doc did ask me if high cholesterol was an issue in my family, and it hasn't been. Only high blood pressure, as there have been several stroke-related deaths on my mother's side. I worry about aneurysms too.

from guidelines 2018

Well, at least my tricglycerides are low! I find that reassuring as high triglycerides are linked to arteriosclerosis and pancreatitis. Since I'm an older adult, I can't take these physiological changes too lightly. I credit regular vigorous exercise for mostly keeping my weight reasonable and lowering my blood pressure. It's probably not been so good for my IOPs so I've had to make modifications by maintaining the cardio and dropping the weightlifting intensity.

ca 1987
Sure, older adults aren't going to make "awesome gym gains" but it's a fallacy that we can't maintain decent muscle mass, although admittedly, it takes a lot of work. (Recently I found a few photos of me when I was in my late 20s. Yeah, I had a bit of muscle then too and I was a lot slimmer. But damn if my arms aren't a lot bigger now, and not just because I'm heavier overall. I actually don't think I could do any pull-ups back then either!) 

I'm not one to do drastic things, so in a bid to lower my cholesterol levels, I'm going back to eating oatmeal and cutting back on butter. I'm already missing the luscious mouthfeel of full fat yogurt and buttermilk. Fiber supplements such as Metamucil aren't on my menu, but I'm not against adding it. I'm also going to make a conscious effort to reduce my red meat consumption, although truthfully, we eat mostly chicken and ground turkey. This weekend was the exception since I'd baked a corned beef brisket for Sunday supper, accompanied by cabbage sauteed in butter. It was St. Patrick's Day after all!

Today is a routine Push Monday that starts with HIIT cardio and ends with V-bar tricep pressdowns. I can't help but look down while I'm grappling with the cable, and I can see the outline of the lateral head popping out from my arm. I've never been good at figuring out which head is which, so luckily I discovered an awesome photo which clearly details which is what. I'd done Rip Skulls prior to the V-bar and my right elbow isn't happy with me. I blame the fact I went over the self-imposed 20 rep limit on today's hammer grip pull-ups.

Later, I speak to B in the locker room and ask about last Friday's melodrama. Apparently the fellow I call Ballet had been noted for being "a bit off," as in talking to himself and staring inappropriately. B told me that some of the regular guys had warned her just that morning that they thought he was so weird that "one of these days he's just gonna lose it." And that was the day. I'm glad I keep to myself!

Monday Post St Pat’s

Norwegian 4x4
5 min w/u (4 min on / 3 min off) x 4
5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30, 33
Calories 285
Miles 2.64
HR 143-192 (115)

Cage Stretch
HGPU 24 (right elbow)

Push Ups 50
Crunches 30/40
Scissors 50
Bicycles 50
Side Planks 2 x 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s

Smith Inclined Press
Bar (30) x 15
50 x 12
70 x 12
(right elbow/shoulder)
90 x 12, 12,12
65 x 25

DB Laterals s/s Rev Incl Flyes
20 lbs x 12/15 reps
22.5 x 12/15 x 3 sets

Rip Skulls
(Happy with 8+) elbows
40 lbs x 12, 12, 12

V-bar Triceps Press Down
20lbs x 12
30 x 12
40 x 10
45 x 9
40 x 9
30 x 13

Mat Stretch

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