Monday, December 10, 2018

Old Favorites

This morning, I got to the gym later than I had planned. My son came home on Friday with a note from the school's Dept of Transportation that stated the new time the new school bus would arrive Monday morning. We're the last on the route, at the bottom of the list. The bus is slated to come at 7:27 and we're suppose to get there 5 minutes early. It's also 22 F outside. I can't drive my son down to the school bus stop because my husband's car is blocking mine, and he's getting ready for his weekly trip to Boston. Ugh.

At 7:27 there is no bus. By 7:35 I call and ask where the bus is. A few more minutes the woman on the phone tells me. It's already late. Ugh. The bus arrives at 7:42. The driver tells me that she'll be 5 minutes earlier tomorrow. Uh, that's 7:37, which is 10 minutes later than the official schedule. Ugh. And 5 minutes later than the original scheduled pick up time of 7:32 back in September, which, by-the-way, the bus has never been able to meet. Back at the house, I complain to the Transportation Dept. They don't understand why the drivers can't meet the schedule. They have new drivers and more buses now. I don't understand who wrote up the new schedules without, apparently doing a test run and consulting the drivers. Tomorrow I'm back to driving my son to school again.

The parking lot is more crowded than I'm used to. But I don't see a lot of the regulars, and not just because it's later in the morning. The Gym hosted a Holiday Party at a local bar last Saturday, and while my son and hubs were out doing a Boy Scout camping and hiking event, I forced myself to be sociable and meet a friend there. The gym handed out poker chips good for one drink, so I didn't have to spend any money. Unfortunately, the drink I truly desired seems to have fallen out of favor. The barkeep sympathized because he also likes Campari. I wasn't sure what else to order in place of Campari and soda. I've heard you can substitute Aperol (which at 11% has half the alcohol content), but honestly, I don't know what Aperol tastes like, or even if the bar would have that in stock. I asked for a Mojito. Oops, sorry we don't have any mint leaves. Ugh. I get a glass of cabernet, which I nurse for two hours. And then a glass of ice water, because I'm a fly-weight and it's Saturday night, which means there's a lot of cops and drunk people out there.

While I'm at the party, I do speak to a few people that I've seen regularly. One was fellow who won the Gold's Gym challenge a few years ago. It turns out that right afterwards, he suffered a heart attack! Now he eats oatmeal everyday, and takes statins, but he's looking for some oatmeal variety. I tell him about poaching an egg in my microwave oatmeal. Savory! (Personally, I also like adding some arugula to the mix for a pleasantly bitter contrast.) My girlfriend and I also tell him about an Oatmeal cafe in the Village that we both saw on TV's Shark Tank.

A few minutes later I hear a woman exclaim, "She can do 20 pull ups!" Uh oh. That's probably me. It's the tall Brazilian woman I see most mornings. She always wears shorts, but she also has very long legs. I remember her complaining about how the gym should have a body bag for kickboxing. When Gym Owner installed one, I saw her at that station exactly once. Mostly she's on the treadmill. At the bar, she's surrounded by a bunch of women and one fellow who might be related to her somehow. They complain that their arms are too weak to do pull ups. I tell them it's not arms, but their back and core that needs to do the pulling. It's, as Spongebob will tell you, technique! They like the assisted pull up machine. I tell them it's bullshit and no one ever graduated to real pull ups from that. I also advise them to find a grip that works for them, because pull ups aren't about elbows. I doubt if any of them remember anything I told them, but that's okay.

The bar seemed almost like a HS mixer, except no dancing and way too many TV screens with a different football game on each. The Mayor hung out with Big Tank Guy, Little Pace and a few other guys at the actual bar. There were clusters of women. There were couples, because people brought their spouses and SOs. I didn't see M and Lazy Pedals though. I didn't see them this morning either. Last week, M was showing LP how to do DB Lateral Raises.

I do my Norwegian 4 x 4, pull ups, push ups and core before looking around the free weight area. The Smith is free, which is odd for a Monday. I switched to starting the week with a Pull Day because I couldn't get near the Smith (Mondays being Universal Bench Press Day). People may have gone on holiday already. I like the RDLs not just for back, but also for hamstrings. This week T Nation's Weekly Dose has an article about hamstrings that suggests pre-working them with leg curls before doing dead lifts. I'm toying with the idea, but today is not the day I put that into action. Instead, I revert back to old favorites: Smith RDLs and Smith RG BB Rows. I also do a few Lat Pull Downs, but I know I can't maintain my grip at the heavier weight. To compensate for hand fatigue, I skip the Seated One-Arm Cable Rows and finish with the RG BB Rows for forearms.

And just to mix it up a tiny bit further, I skip the Mat Stretch and instead, spend a lazy 15 minutes on the cross-trainer. I call it LISS, even though, technically, you should do the Low Intensity Steady State cardio for 30 minutes, at 60% of max heart rate. When I figure out the numbers, it's a ridiculous 100 bpm (60% x 167.4). Hell, my heart rate is 120 just getting on the stupid machine. It also hovers in the 120-125 range for the entire 15 minutes. Ugh.

I hope I can get on the Smith tomorrow for Push Day... not that I need much help. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and thought, I do have some meaty arms!

Post-Party Monday

Norwegian 4x4
5 min w/u (4 min on / 3 min off) x 4
5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30, 33
Calories 270
Miles 2.56
HR 138, maximum 176 (low 109)


Push Ups 50
Crunches 30/30
Bicycles 50
Side Planks 2 x 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s

Smith RDLs
Bar (30) x 15
80 x 12
100 x 12
120 x 12 x 3

Smith RG BB Rows
80 x 25 x 3

Lat Pull Downs (close neutral grip)
70lbs x 12
85 x 12
100 x 10
115 x 8

RG BB Curls
30lbs x 25 reps x 3 sets

15 min LISS Cross-trainer
Miles 0.88
Calories 100
HR 120-125

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