Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Is It Me Or The Humidity?

We've had an in-wall air conditioner for several years, but this is honestly the first year where we've actually run it for weeks at a time! Today it was nearly 85F by the time I'd left the house and it wasn't even noon yet. The humidity is killer, making a walk outside seem like the dog and I are wading through the thick hot air. I feel like we live in a Chinese laundry! It's rained enough that the wetlands have seeped under our house and the sump pump issues several gallons of water into the back yard every 20 minutes. No drought here.

I feel fine at the gym, having had my coffee, vitamins and a bottle of High-Protein Ensure, which is only 16 grams so "high" is a relative term. High by comparison to most of their other products, but not what I really consider "high protein," which is more in line with their Ensure Max product (30 gms protein). My hubs is sending me photos and videos of the Scouts during their Emergency Prep class while I pedal on the elliptical. My son is rolling on the ground, pretending he's on fire. Another boy is playing dead, and yet another pretends to have broken a limb. I start to giggle because the videos are hilarious. I have half an eye on the HR monitor, but the machine I'm on doesn't always register. I'm not pedaling as hard as I can either, but I do want to warm up. My only clue that I've accomplished this is by the slight beads of perspiration I feel on my forehead.

At the DB rack, a woman has control of the shiny chrome 3 and 5 lb beauty bells. Those are literally the only 3 lb DBs in this area. There are other plastic DBs in the classroom, but those aren't suppose to leave the room. And I can't do the T, Y & I Raises unless I'm lying face-down on a bench. I grab the iron-grip 5 lb DBs off the rack and do 2 sets with them. Well, that's not too bad so I suppose that's my new routine now. Sigh. At the Stretch Cage I use my own silicone band for band pulls. The gym is moderately crowded but no one is at the Nexersys machines.

The glare is so bad that I can barely see the screens. Yesterday the gym had their shades drawn fully. I was hoping they'd do that today, but nope. Ugh. The machine is finicky again, not registering the Power Kick, and sometimes not even a Cross. Ugh. I only do 5 rounds Beginner. The 5 rounds Intermediate have me gasping a bit after each round, and not just because some of the routines are crazy. Crazy, as in skipping the indicators for the first blow and jumping right to the second when calling for a two-blow combination, like Jab-Lead Kick. I'm drenched, and so is the small hand towel I brought with me today. I need bigger hand towels at the gym! I'm disappointed that my endurance isn't better. It'll only be a few more weeks before I'll have to stop to recuperate from having surgery on my right eye. I think the humidity is messing with my endurance. Otherwise, I'm in really lousy cardio shape and I worry that 6 weeks of non-strenuous cardio has caused some sort of fitness regression. Is that even possible? Probably.
Photo missing Round 5 Beginner level

It's so hot that the cold water in the shower feels tepid. Sweat beads off my nose as I blot myself dry. My girlfriend decided she'd rather clean her house than go outside to see the Christopher Robin movie with me. She has a house guest coming at the end of the month, and her house looks like it could qualify for Hoarders TV show right now. Most of it is junk from her deceased mother's house that she couldn't bear to part with until she had a chance to sort through it all, and that was a few years ago! I don't care since I'd already planned to see this movie anyway. I sit in my car with the sun shade in the front windshield and the a/c blasting since I still have 30 minutes to kill. The car tells me it's 100F outside, but it isn't. It always reads hotter than it really is, then cools down as I drive home. Except I'm not driving home just yet. I eat a Quest bar because I'm hungry, and read my phone.
5 rounds Intermediate Follow Me

The weather app on my phone tells me it's going to rain in 90 minutes and I don't know how accurate it is, so I bring an umbrella to the theater with me. The movie house packs a decent crowd although I'm glad that most of the youngsters are there to see Teen Titans GO! instead of Christopher Robin. There are a lot of senior couples as well. The film got nice reviews that warned everyone to bring their hankies. Okay, it was wistful and maudlin, but not enough to cry over. In keeping with very old things, the film verged on sepia-tone solemnity. All the critters seemed worn and well-loved, in a battered, threadbare way. The voice characters were very good though, and subtle expressions conveyed a lot of meaning. Still, even though it's a Disney film, I wouldn't actually call it a children's movie. I suspect my son might've been bored with it. But he does have his own stuffed animal pals, more than Christopher Robin, so maybe not.

Tuesday Kickboxing

10 elliptical
Calories 88
Miles 0.80

T, Y & I Raises
3lbs (not available)
5lbs x 15 x 2

Mid Band Pulls 15
High Band Pulls 15

Nexersys Follow Me
5r Beginner
5r Intermediate

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Trying B3 Again

I got to the gym fairly late today at half past noon. But better than yesterday when I didn't make it at all. I'm the type of person...