Monday, April 14, 2014

Abbreviations Galore

Top: LF treadmill = .64 miles
Bottom: Row = 1.57 miles
I took my son to the gym yesterday. After 20 min on the treadmill and another 20 min rowing on the Concept II erg, he did sets on various Cybex machines, discovered ones he absolutely didn't fit into, did better on Inverse Rows at the Smith machine, as well as basic bench presses with a padded, weighted 20 lb bar in the DB area. Again, he was too tired to do the 3rd round of cardio but managed to squeak out several sets of crunches. Then we took a drive and got a supermarket-cooked chicken for dinner, and gelato just for fun: Italian cheesecake and Peeps for him; raspberry coffee with heath bar crumble for me. Not quite as good as their pistachio, but tasty enough.

Today I'd planned to drop my son off at tae kwon do for a few hours but they were closed when we arrived. I found out when I brought him to my gym that their town's school board completely screwed up their holiday schedule. Whereas we lost days during Winter Break in February (no one's planning to go anywhere anyway), this town took snow days away from Spring Break. So Carmel NY had school today, and Mahopac did not. But Carmel's off the rest of the week. They were going to have the day after Easter as well, but lost that as well. What this means is that I had to bring my son to the childcare room at the gym today and limit myself to a 2-hour workout, which, when you count showering and changing, isn't enough time to do my entire routine. I dropped sets off everything except the Flat Bench because that's the important lift. I managed to squeeze in a Cage Stretch but no additional cardio. I'll just have to make it up the rest of the week.

Today's Abbreviated Monday Workout

20 min Precor = 1.93 miles

Flat BB Bench
12x45 lbs (bar)
10x95 lbs
8x115 lbs (now I'm just starting to feel warmed up)
8x125 lbs
(I had The Mayor spot me here but I can't remember if I did 8 or 10 reps. Bummer. He asked if I was upping the weight and I said, "Just a tad." He says, "You should just toss a 45 on there." But that'd be such a pain to do the drop sets afterwards.)
6x135 lbs +2 reps Yay!
(The Mayor spotted me ^^ here too and was surprised I didn't need a lift off)
10x115 lbs +2 reps
20x95 lbs (for fun)

Inclined BB Press
12x45 lbs (bar)
10x65 lbs
My right shoulder's feeling a little achy so I'm not unhappy cutting my sets way back today

10x85 lbs

Inclined DB Flyes
12x25 lbs
3x12x30 lbs

Standing Lateral DB Raises
12x25 lbs
8, 8, 12 x 30 lbs Couldn't resist upping the reps on the last set

Bent-Over DB Reverse Flyes
12x25 lbs
3x12x30 lbs

I barely have time for a quick Cage Stretch before I change and shower. I'm only 10 minutes late to rescue my son from "baby purgatory". The gym scale reads 113.0 lbs. I'm good with that. The tae kwon do school has called back and offered me a free week of summer camp for the mix-up this morning. That's cool.

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