Friday, December 13, 2013

Breakfast of Champions

A breakfast of oatmeal, egg and pomegranate never tasted so good this morning! Washed down with instant espresso, I was stoked and ready to go. But first errands to get out of the way, like putting gas in the car before the snowstorm hits us tomorrow. By the time I got to the gym, it was 10 o'clock and two out of three Precors were in use. I got the "tractor" elliptical that makes a rough grinding noise as it raises and lowers the tract. But plugged in with good tunes, I barely noticed. My body noticed though because I don't normally do back to back Double Cardio days. I did make a total of eight miles, but just barely. Still, it felt good. My legs were a little tired but I didn't feel as if I'd run out of energy. Instead, my whole body's a tad sore from the past two days. I guess this new workout is agreeing with me!

I make it to the Smith machine before the burly dude I call Dirty Tat Sleeves, and he moves off to the Squat Rack. He's doing barbell shrugs with a completely loaded bar. I set up my cell at the edge of the cardio platform and take a few videos to view my form. My squats start off okay with speed squats Butt to Heels for the first two light sets, but my knees start to bother me as I add weight. I'm getting to just parallel at the heavier weight so I'm okay with it. I strip the bar and drop it to the ground for what I think are Stiff-Legged Dead Lifts. I take several videos because it's hard to get a position that actually shows my form. The plates tend to obscure the front of me when shot from the side. I push my hips out to touch the bar as I lift but I can't actually see that motion on the videos. Still, I'll post two of them below. I manage to go heavier, but my grip starts to fail and I'm not wearing my VGs. Next time I will. But I want to make sure my form is good before I attempt more weight.

I skip Cage Stretch today because I'll be doing Mat Stretch later. Instead, I get a few sets on the Seated Leg Extension, and then the Seated Leg Curls. Then some abs. By the time I get to Mat Stretch it's 1 o'clock and I have things to do. I still feel good enough to box a few rounds on the Nexersys, but I've been here three hours now. Never mind that over an hour of that time was doing cardio. The Mayor, Jude, Hoodie Tattoo and Latino Baseball are all here. R shows up in a thick, fire engine red hoodie you can't help but notice. Big Mustache and Ollie are here too. Ollie looks rounder than ever. I guess the Feast the Least program my gym instituted as a challenge isn't really working for some members.

The gym scale reads 111.4 lbs. It's not quite where I want to be at the end of the week, but it's okay. Next week is the last week before Winter Break but the schedule is again contorted. I'll probably stick with the combination Chest & Back workout on Monday, but the rest of the week is up for grabs. My husband's company Holiday Party is next Friday and I'm still debating which dress to wear. Most likely it'll be the shimmery silver sequins that remind me of a minnow fish. It's rare that I get a chance to dress up and go out so I'm looking forward to it. Just gotta put some more work in.

Leg Day Workout
35 min Interval 7 = 4.38 miles + 35 min Hill 5 = 3.77 miles  Grand Total = 8.15 miles Yay!

Smith Squats: 25 @ bar fast as I can go Butt to Heels / 12 @ 60 lbs fast as I can go Butt to Heels / 12 @ 80 lbs / 12 @ 100 lbs / 12 @ 120 lbs / 8 @ 140 lbs / 12 @ 100 / 12 @ 80 lbs

Smith SLDLs: 12 @ bar / 12 @ 60 lbs / 12 @ 80 lbs / 12 @ 100 lbs / 12 @ 120 [video] / 10 @130 / 6 @ 130 [video] / 12 @ 80 lbs

Seated Leg Curls: 12 @ 90 lbs / 10 @ 105 lbs / 2 x 8 @ 120 lbs / 10 @ 112.5 lbs / 12 @ 97.5 lbs
Seated Leg Extensions: 12 @ 90 lbs / 12 @ 105 lbs / 12 @ 120 lbs / 12 @ 135 lbs

Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: 125
Ab Crunch Station: 100

Mat Stretch with 2 x 12 DBPUs and 60 second plank, splits, etc

Smith SLDL at 120 lbs (assuming bar is 30 lbs)

Smith SLDL at 130 (2nd set)

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High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...