Monday, December 2, 2024

That Frosty Alberta Clipper

Suddenly it feels like Winter. Because temps have dropped into the 20s at night, and only reach mid-30s during the day. Again, I'm happy I invested in a heated water bowl and outdoor extension cord for the dog park. The water is mostly frozen in gallon jugs in the shed, but liquid enough to pour like a slushy. I have to remember to bring actual liquid water to the park now for as long as this cold snap lasts. Because this is unseasonably frigid for December in NYS. It's not usually this cold until late January or February! Thank goodness I've got a box of Hot Hands to keep my fingers from going numb. Each double packet usually lasts all day and I can still extract heat from them during the evening dog walk.

I get to the gym late, but at least I'm there. It's been 5 days, so nearly a week that I've been mostly sedentary. Of course, even though the gym was open for a few hours in the morning, there was no way I was going to exercise. Didn't go on Wednesday either as I had a lot of foods to pick up, as well as a dermatology appointment. My spots haven't changed and my skin is peeling a lot on my face. Need better hydrating cream? The dermatologist's office tells me to have patience and I have a follow up in January.

It was recommended that I really slather myself with moisturizing cream to mitigate the hives I develop from the cold. It dawned on me that I have a jar of cold cream that I use to clean my face before bed. It's a generational thing: my grandma used Pond's Cold Cream to clean makeup from her face. My mom preferred the pricey brands like Clinique which she could only buy from a cosmetic counter at Macy's. Yeah, that's not me. But there's nothing that says I can't just apply a big dollop of cold cream to my skin. My skin is so dry that it doesn't take long for the cream to literally disappear. I also have a new steroidal cream just in case the hives get too frisky. So far the cold cream seems to be working!

The gym is chilly and Wind Breaker is on elliptical #1. I grab the cup holder from #2 and pop it into the broken bracket on machine #3. I don't even get close to 2.8 but it's a good cardio warm up. Sadly, pull-ups don't go well. They aren't horrible, and I get past a dozen (whew!) before spending 10 minutes on the step machine. The second round of pull-ups goes a little better. Then onto the cross-trainer. Much better there. Maybe I'm finally seriously warmed up? 

By the time I get to the Aerobics Room, there's one gal doing her own thing with some DBs and a bearded dude I sorta recognize (as a regular) doing walking lunges with a DB in his hands. It's late and I'm only doing what's on my list. Skip the Wall Sits. Maybe do them tomorrow...

2 Dec 2024 12:13-2:08
Monday — All Cardio
Post Turkey Alberta Clipper week
Brilliant Day — Timolol/Losartan

Precor elliptical #3
Program 1
Time: 30 + 5 (5344)
Distance: 2.76
Cal: 303
Avg Hr: 151, 229-111 (?!)
New FB: 46-135

HGPU 13 + 2/2 ugh

Matrix StairMaster (R)
Manual timer 8+2 cool down
Minimum 5 minutes
Speed 5 (48-45) / 2 (33) / 1 (29-33)
Steps 436
Floors 27
Cal 66
Hr 136


Life Fitness X-Trainer #3
Program Manual L1
Time: 12 (+3 min cool down) = 15
Distance: 1.40
Cal: 115
Avg Hr: 119-122


20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
Piriformis stretches
Child’s Pose
Cat/Cow stretch 12
Child’s Pose
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2 (tingle)
Push-Ups 25 (minimal tingle)
Arm rotations 20
Air Squats 25
Neck stretch / Eye yoga

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