Thursday, January 11, 2024

Ill-fitting Socks

I'd like to think that the new hypertension medication is working. It's probably too soon to say as it might take up to 4 weeks to see results. But at least the readings I take at home haven't gotten worse. I think there's some improvement, especially to the systolic number (upper). The diastolic reading seems to be more stubborn, and of course, it's more critical. I'm impatient. I'd like to see my readings drop down much much further. I still have several more weeks before I see my GP for a follow-up. At least I haven't noticed any side effects, unless you consider the slightly better ability in cardio?

I make an effort to get to the gym earlier today. I spent a lot of time yesterday packaging books to send to Fort Sill, Oklahoma soldiers under Operation Paperback. Five boxes mailed out and I still have a pile of books so I requested more names. I haven't decided whether I should use cardboard boxes or go with plastic/fiberglass envelopes, all of it being reused/recycled from packages/books delivered to us. 

There's no one on any of the elliptical machines and only a few other folks doing cardio. I get on machine #1 and wonder which program to choose. Number one is the easiest and because of that, it's also the hardest: not a lot of elevation but I find pedaling in the troughs sort of tedious. Singing helps me keep my pace up. I have the FitBit app open on my phone to check my HR when the elliptical tells me crazy numbers. While my HR does hit a peak of 163 (according to the FitBit), it doesn't stay there long.

After pull-ups, I march into the Aerobics Room to do core. The Dead Bugs can be challenging by the last set. Everything else feels fairly routine except for Walking Lunges. I'm wearing ankle socks that are mostly comfortable, but bunch up a bit under my wayward right foot. Maybe it's the bunion or the hammer toes, but the sock wrinkles under the toes makes the lunges more difficult to keep my balance. It's not something I've ever thought much about until today. My shoes have mostly flat soles (no high heels for me) but I notice that my toes tend to curl slightly down in a reflexive gripping motion to help with steadiness. (No need for Doctor Scholls sandals!) Well, at least my pinky toe doesn't hurt anymore even though it seems to be permanently swollen. Toes are important for walking!

Wall Squats still make me want to scream for the last 20 seconds, but I manage to keep myself upright and not slide down onto my butt. High schoolers start to arrive just as I leave the gym. I should go to the gym tomorrow, but I don't know that I will. Going all out during cardio makes me less inclined to repeat immediately. Maybe I'll do Intervals and push some weights instead...

11 January 2024 11:16-12:39
Balmy Thursday (One week on Losartan)

Precor elliptical #1
Program 1
Time: 30+5 (6022)
Distance: 2.96
Cal: 335
Avg Hr: NA 168, 194-85
Fitbit: 59-163


20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5 alt/ss = 100 (or 7?)
20 Hip Bridges & 10 one-leg bridges
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Upper stretch w side bends & twists
Walking lunges 42 steps total
Neck stretch / Eye yoga
Wall Squat 90s

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