Thursday, October 17, 2024

Temps Dropped and I Got Hives

I've been waking to temps below 40F lately and my body has reacted. It's somewhat subtle and only I notice it, but I've developed hives down the outside of my thighs. It happens every fall as soon as it gets the slightest bit cold. Never mind that temps will hit the 70s again next week. The hives will probably go away until the next cold spell. 

Of course, my body doesn't follow standard parameters and recommended treatments don't really work. I'm not taking antihistamines for this (cold urticaria) although this morning I slathered my legs with "itch cream." If it's not insect bites, then it's just temperature in general. I feel like such a "hot house baby."

My dermatologist PA recommended I use retinoid cream and the liberal use of sunscreen for those disconcerting but apparently harmless spots under my eyebrows. I don't consider this cosmetic vanity. It's not like I'm looking at a face lift or botox or liposuction. I just don't want to look like a crazy woman who doesn't know how to apply eyebrow pencil to her brows. Especially since I'm not wearing any makeup.

I skipped the gym yesterday, but made it today. No one on any of the ellipticals. There's a removable cup that can be placed inside the broken bottle holder and both #2 and #3 are broken. I take the cup off of #2 and put it on #3, because honestly, who the heck wants to pedal a machine that clunks? Wind Breaker shows up to claim #1 just as I'm down to the last 5 minutes of my session. Apparently, pedaling the elliptical is all he does for hours, and then he leaves without doing anything else.

I got my three sets of pull-ups done, granted that last set was a bit weak. But I still got my reps. Slightly better "mileage" on the elliptical and (made it past 2.8). Slightly more steps on the step machine. Slightly better distance on the cross-trainer. Yaaaay me. The Aerobics Room was empty and very cold. I'm okay with that. A young guy comes in later and I notice him doing a handstand against the wall and then planks. The Aerobics Room is one of the few places where there is an actual wall no encumbered by mirrors or equipment. I still have discomfort (numbness & tingling) in my right foot and hip but it doesn't last too long. Just enough to be annoying...

17 Oct 2024 11:30-1:30
Thursday — All Cardio Chillats!
Brilliant Day — Timolol / sciatica

Precor elliptical #3
Program 2
Time: 30 + 5 (5572)
Distance: 2.84
Cal: 315
Avg Hr: 155, 185-79
New FB: 54-130


Matrix StairMaster (R)
Manual timer 8+2 cool down
Minimum 5 minutes
Speed 5 (45-50) / 29-36 (2-1)
Steps 449
Floors 28
Cal 67
Hr 127 


Life Fitness X-Trainer #3
Program Manual L1
Time: 12 (+3min cool down)=15
Distance: 1.42
Cal: 115
Avg Hr: 120


20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
Piriformis stretches
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25 (minimal tingle)
Arm rotations 20
Air Squats 25
Neck stretch / Eye yoga

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Walking in the Wee Hours

It's fairly normal for me to wake around 4:30 AM to visit the bathroom. Usually the dogs are sound asleep in the living room. Last night I woke at 3:30 and didn't really have to pee, so why was I awake. As I trudged off to the bathroom (just in case), one of the dogs ran up to me doing a frantic potty dance. Ugh. I managed to don my boots, flannel pants, headlamp and parka before snagging the leashes. Yes, plural. Because if one pup is going for a walk, then the other one wants to go too. Of course. It's 38F, quiet and dark outside. We're back by 3:45 after a visit up the road to the overgrown roadside flora. Yes, it was messy and I'm glad I didn't wake up to that inside the house. Maybe it was the dog that woke me up at 3:30?

We still went to the park and the dogs got to run zoomies through the crunchy yellow leaves on the ground. I'm dragging because I'm tired. Interrupted sleep does that to me. And probably you too. So, I get to the gym later than I'd like, but at least I get there. It's not nearly as crowded as I expected, but Wind Breaker is on elliptical #1, and #2 is missing the bottom of the "cup" holder. WTH? I get on #3 and I don't hear or feel any clunking, so I'm happy. Although I'm so tired that I don't make it to 2.8, but hey, I showed up. And I got three sets of pull-ups. Between my other cardio endeavors.

Which of course means that by the time I get to the Aerobics Room, I'm ready for a nap. Not really, but I imagine if I closed my eyes and did some deep breathing, I'd be asleep in a moment. It's really only during hip bridges and bird dog planks that I feel my sciatica. It still harasses me every time I stand up and walk after sitting a while. I still have to shake out my tingling toes and forefoot, the numbness gripping my hip and lower calf. Eventually it dissipates. And then I forget I have this injury. At least until the next time. It's become an "inconvenience" and might never go away. Which is annoying, but isn't going to significantly ruin my life. But it does slow me down when I'm trying to shift gears...

Tomorrow I have a dermatologist appointment. I'm shocked I got one so quickly! But I want an actual skin doc to look at what's happening under my eyebrows cause I've known too many people who contracted skin cancer. I personally don't think it's skin cancer, but I'd rather be safe. And if there's a way to remove or at least forestall whatever the heck is happening on my face, well, that'd be great...

When I drove to the gym parking lot, I glanced up at the big sign at the entrance. Normally I can only read the first two movies being run. This theater can showcase 8 films. I'm surprised to detect The Apprentice in the jumble of movie names. Oh, I wanted to see that! And then I remember that today is Tuesday, which means movies only cost $5. While the Joker movie is also still running, and I'm tempted to see Wild Robot because the trailer is so cute, I can't miss this opportunity. There's been very little advertising so this movie might not last past a week's run. I'm disappointed to see only two show times. 

There's an hour between the first run time and when I exit the gym. Fine. I can walk to the grocery to shop for non-perishable items and put them in my car. (I have a really good parking spot and I don't want to lose it.) There's only one couple in the theater watching the same movie as me. As the trailers start, another person enters and sits in the back. That makes 4 of us to see this movie. It got mixed reviews, and a lot of press about how difficult it was to release the film. I liked it.

Jeremy Strong is an amazing actor, and at the end, I almost felt sorry for Roy Cohn. Sebastian Stan was very good too, but I'm not sure about Ian D. Clark as Mayor Ed Koch. I lived in NYC during the Koch years. And I remember the Commodore hotel, because I'd gone to a Star Trek convention there when I was in HS. It was an enlightening film, and also a bit nostalgic, but I'm a native New Yorker: I grew up there.

15 Oct 2024 12:16-2:21
Tuesday — All Cardio
Brilliant Day — Timolol / sciatica

Precor elliptical #3
Program 1
Time: 30 + 5 (5420)
Distance: 2.79
Cal: 306
Avg Hr: 148, 172-84
New FB: 54-132


Matrix StairMaster (R)
Manual timer 8+2 cool down
Minimum 5 minutes
Speed 5 (45-50) / 29-36 (2-1)
Steps 422
Floors 26
Cal 64
Hr 118


Life Fitness X-Trainer #5
Program Manual L1
Time: 12 (+3min cool down)=15
Distance: 1.25
Cal: 112
Avg Hr: 125-128


20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
Piriformis stretches
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25 (minimal tingle)
Arm rotations 20
Air Squats 25
Neck stretch / Eye yoga

Friday, October 11, 2024

Use It or Lose It

It's been a while since I last did Wall Sits. Or the Interval program on the elliptical. So I included them in my workout today. Luckily, I got to the gym earlier and managed to score elliptical #1. (Wind Breaker showed up 15 minutes later so he got to pedal #2.) I forgot to charge the FitBit last night so I didn't wear it while exercising. It has the unfortunate tendency not to recognize exercise activities; probably a wonky algorithm that expects MWF and this week wasn't that. 

When I get home, I have to manually log Thursday and Friday, and of course, there's no way to adjust the steps for today. Thank goodness I turned off that annoying "reminder buzzer" when it thinks you've been stationery too long. Sometimes it would buzz in the middle of me trudging up the dog park hill, so that tells you how accurately it ascertains movement.

I finally did Intervals correctly: slowing my pace to roughly 90-100 SPM during the rest troughs and as fast as I can go for the peaks. That means getting as high as 240 for a few seconds before slowing to just above 150 SPMs (strides per minute)... I cut 10 minutes off my cardio session just because this is a lot more taxing than those other programs. During the 5-minute cool down, I pedal backward to work posterior muscles better. I've been better at this, but of course, I was younger then and did Intervals more frequently.

It's early enough that the free weight area isn't too crowded but there are people there. One of the two Nautilus benches is in use along the DB rack, where most of the benches reside. I find the other N bench in a cage with the Olympic bar resting on the side squat guards. My thought is that the last fucker was too lazy to put the bar back on the rest affixed to the frame. So glad I'm still able to curl the bar up to my face, which is the level at which the rest stays are. An old guy in the next station seems surprised that I'm able to do that. Whatever. 

I drag the bench out from the cage because it's just in the way. I don't need the cage; let someone else use it for squats or whatever. I position the bench sort of in the center of a clear area with space to walk around me to the BB rack or other equipment. Then I grab DBs and do my routine. Cuz I don't care about what other people are doing, as long as they don't get in my way or bother me. It takes me a good half hour to do all my sets. The Senior Class is just finishing, and there's still three or four old women kibbitzing next to the instructor. He's gathering chairs to stack and cart away, and offering advice. 

I grab a mat and do my list. No surprises. Bird Dogs and Hip Bridges still activate tingling numbness in my right foot and toes. At the end, I decide to add back Wall Sits since it's been weeks. I only make it to 90 seconds before my quads are screaming too much. I used to be better at this too, but again, use it or lose it. I'd better start using before losing too much! 

Imagine my surprise when perusing the local newspaper and seeing an ad for the Wallflowers performing a charity concert next month. With Jakob Dylan, who gets his stunning looks from his model mom. I remember when he went solo and wasn't impressed with the results. Of course I look up when he got back together with the band and it's been over a decade. WTF? (Can we reference John Lennon's Life is what happens when you're busy...) So I listened to the last two albums they put out (Glad All Over, Exit Wounds), courtesy of YouTube, and was pretty happy with them. Now if only Pa Sheehy would get back together with his band, Walking On Cars. His solo stuff is nice, but nothing like Monster, one of the all-time favorite songs in my workout list.

I did go to $5 Movie Tuesday to see the new Joker movie. It wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen, but it was unexpectedly sad. Beautiful cinematography. Superficially, I'd agree with the NY Times' Manohla Dargis who asked what the point was. But I'm more in agreement with another review, that the Joker Pas de Deux is actually a good movie. Just not the one we expected. And expectations and it's corollary, disappointment are the key to this movie. 

Click here to read Dan Selcke's astute assessment. What is unsaid is that the future Harley Quinn ignites hope in sad, mentally ill Arthur Fleck. She makes him feel loved. He discovers that he's human after all. She's disappointed and rejects him. She wants the ultimate anti-hero. He's has nothing left and is ultimately killed. This is not the origin story of the fabled arch-villain Joker. But the kid that kills Arthur might be...

11 Oct 2024 11:28-1:12 pm
Friday — Mix
Brilliant Day — Timolol / sciatica

Precor elliptical #1
Program Intervals
Time: 20 + 5 (3584)
Distance: 1.96
Cal: 210
Avg Hr: 133, 210-110 (!!??) seriously?
New FB: low battery

Incl DB Press s/s Lateral Raises s/s Rev Incline Flys
10 lbs x 25/15/25
15 lbs x 25/15/25
20/15/20 lbs x 25/15/25 x 3 sets

20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
Piriformis stretches
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25 (minimal tingle)
Arm rotations 20
Air Squats 25
Neck stretch / Eye yoga
Wall Squat 90 sec

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Watching Myself Age

The logs are all split and now just need to be stacked somewhere somewhat accessible. I skipped the gym Tuesday and Wednesday but did wheel several loads of split wood from the back of the house to the front where I have some pallets, and some half-filled wood racks. The wild roses and Oriental Bittersweet grow as long as temps are moderate so even as leaves are changing color and falling, and tall grass browns, wicked thorny vines reach out for as much sunlight as they can reach. 

I needed to trim some back from the path because no one needs to be grabbed by prickers while wheeling a heavy cart of wood. And for the first time ever and I've owned these items forever, I noticed how heavy my parrot-beak loppers were as I held them over my head to snip. It's not like they suddenly amassed weight. I must be weak?! I just used these a few months ago to decimate the heavy vine growth overtaking the forsythias and privet hedges and not once did it occur to me that they were heavy. WTF?! Definitely doing the shoulder workout tomorrow!

I've also made an unpleasant and somewhat disconcerting discovery about my face. Well, not my face but my eyebrows. Okay, not the brows but the skin under them. What? For years I've watched pigments in my skin darken around my eyes (due to all the glaucoma meds according to my doc), freckles appear across my nose, and splotches appearing on my cheeks. Chinese old people tend to develop large patches of brown blotches on the face. I'm washing my face and wondering why my eyebrows look odd. I peer closer and realize that there are brown spots under the ends of both my brows, making me look as if I'm wearing makeup, or eyebrow pencil. What? And why?! 

Okay, I confess that I'm not diligent with my sunscreen application, and honestly, who the heck thinks to sunscreen their eyebrows? I have been trying to fade the obvious melasma areas with OTC vitamin C cream, which necessitates sunscreen use. But of course, I hadn't applied any C to my eyebrows. I guess I really do have to make a dermatology appointment now because this is getting silly. I'm guessing this is just melasma, but maybe it's not. I'm not a dermatologist so what the heck do I know? Neither my mom nor my grandma had this, but my mom never went outside without full makeup, so that's probably sunblock enough. But I also don't remember my grandma having a blotchy face and she loved sitting out in the sun...

I make it to the gym today. Wind Breaker is on elliptical #1 so I clamber on to #2. There are very few people exercising. It's really quite a brilliant sunny day, although a bit chilly this morning. Only October and my finger tips are already splitting apart from the cold and lack of humidity. Put on my winter parka to combat the 40F temp, but the dogs really love the briskness. The forecast says temps will peak in the 60s and there might be a frost warning for tonight. I brought the aloe vera plant in last night because I don't think it'll survive. It has been fairly happy outside, but seems very prone to sunburn, which I find odd for a succulent. As in, direct sun seems to damage the leaves with burnt spots and then they wilt. But it works well when I accidentally burn myself in the kitchen.

I do my All Cardio routine, starting out a bit sluggish but gain energy as I progress. I should've restrained myself when I get to the last cardio machine because I think being a bit too exuberant cost me half a rep at pull-ups. Yeah, it was the third set, but still... The Aerobics Room feels cool, and is empty when I arrive. My sciatica still bothers me during Hip Bridges, Bird Dogs, and push-ups. 

The right foot is numb and my hip tingling as I leave the Aerobics Room, but I can "walk it off" so I don't worry too much about it. I also suspect that my right leg is longer than the left one. Asymmetry isn't unusual in humans, but it is a PITA. It might be due to mild scoliosis so maybe the hip is off kilter. But it is certain that the right leg is always a length in front or behind the left one when I'm not looking at them but feel certain that they're parallel with each other. Hmmm...

10 Oct 2024 11:52-1:51
Thursday — All Cardio
Brilliant Day — Timolol / sciatica

Precor elliptical #2
Program 3 Clunks!
Time: 30 + 5 (5468)
Distance: 2.80
Cal: 309
Avg Hr: 147, 186-78
New FB: 55-130


Matrix StairMaster (L)
Manual timer 8+2 cool down
Minimum 5 minutes
Speed 5 (45-50) / 29-36 (2-1)
Steps 431
Floors 26
Cal 65
Hr 126


Life Fitness X-Trainer #3
Program Manual L1
Time: 12 (+3 min cool down) =15
Distance: 1.47
Cal: 117
Avg Hr: 127-134


20 Hip Bridges (tingle)
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
Piriformis stretches
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2 (tingle)
Push-Ups 25 (tingle)
Arm rotations 20
Air Squats 25
Neck stretch / Eye yoga

Monday, October 7, 2024

Warm for October

Wonderful weather graced this past weekend with bright sunny days with temps peaking in the 70s. Meanwhile, leaves are all changing color and falling. It's weird. I had planned to see that new Joker movie but it got such dismal reviews that I decided to stay home. Instead, I actually did something I haven't done in a long time: read an actual book from start to finish. 

Granted it wasn't a long book, or a particularly complicated one with tortuous plot lines and a dizzying array of characters. Nope. It was a somewhat simple story, but one I'd been meaning to read when it was first published, and especially when I found it on the list of banned books. Books banned from school libraries!

What could be so insidious about Sherman Alexie's The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian? I stayed up way past my bedtime just to finish reading it, well-worth the poetic and satisfying ending. This also meant I was really tired when I got up this morning to take puppers to the park. But it was also another beautiful day, eventually. Because it really looked like rain at first. I'm eyeing Barbara Kingsolver's Demon Copperhead as the next challenge. (I used to love reading her books when I was younger.)

I also stayed home this weekend to watch the somewhat silly but still exciting JackPot with Awkwafina, John Cena, and Simu Liu. Followed by an equally silly The Beekeeper, with Jason Statham. (But honestly, aren't most Statham flicks kind of silly?) I'm still waiting for John Wick 4 to be affordable for streaming, as in "Nope, not gonna spend $25 to watch a movie." The same goes for the new DeadPool & Wolverine flick.

I got to the gym past noon and Wind Breaker was on elliptical #1. I got on #2 and it was crazy noisy with a clunking sound that hit with every rotation. Maybe it just seemed extra loud because I'd forgotten to charge my AirPods so only one earbud was working. The other one functioned solely as an expensive earplug. 

I could still hear my tunes, but not enough to block out the raucous conversation at the other end of the cardio platform. And it wasn't just me who was bothered. I saw other folks on other equipment all look up and stare briefly at the oblivious old men happily screaming at each other in conversation from a distance of a few yard and two or three pieces of equipment.

So, the first cardio session wasn't great. But I did it. And I got all my pull-ups done. The step machine and the cross-trainer weren't total losses either. All-in-all, a decent workout. That usually means I might have trouble getting up tomorrow morning. There are bigger, noisier fans in the Aerobics Room now. Well, at least I'm not in danger of falling asleep. But I'm tired enough to consider ditching almost every exercise, but then I feel guilty and do anything that isn't actually aggravating my sciatica. So, still no Bird Dog planks, but yes to Push-ups, Air Squats and Hip Bridges. 

I might go to the movies tomorrow and see the new Joker movie for $5. Or I might just move some firewood. There's two full wheelbarrows of freshly split wood behind my house that I could roll down to the pallets in the front yard. As long as it's nice outside. I don't think NY has anything to worry about with Hurricane Milton, now a cat 5 in the gulf. But Florida's in trouble...

7 Oct 2024 12:21-2:08
Monday — All Cardio
Brilliant Day — Timolol / sciatica

Precor elliptical #2
Program 2 Clunks!
Time: 30 + 5 (5508)
Distance: 2.82
Cal: 312
Avg Hr: 153, 180-86
New FB: 52-132


Matrix StairMaster (L) 1:08-1:18
Manual timer 8+2 cool down
Minimum 5 minutes
Speed 5 (45-50) / 29-36 (2-1)
Steps 426
Floors 26
Cal 64
Hr 129


Life Fitness X-Trainer #5
Program Manual L1
Time: 12 (+3min cool down)=15
Distance: 1.35
Cal: 114
Avg Hr: 127-129

HGPU 14.5

20 Hip Bridges (tingle after rep 11)
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
Piriformis stretches
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Push-Ups 25 (minimal tingle)
Arm rotations 20
Air Squats 25
Neck stretch / Eye yoga

Friday, October 4, 2024

A Bunion Benefit?

Yesterday I woke up totally exhausted, probably because I couldn't get to sleep at a reasonable hour and I'd had a really good exercise session that day. So, I skipped the gym, but I went today. Fridays appear to be less crowded than Thursdays lately. Might it be that Senior exercise class that everyone else wants to avoid?

I was dragging a bit on cardio so the numbers weren't great, but pull-ups were decent. I could do more cardio and pull-ups, or I could push some weights. I chose the latter and found one of the Nautilus benches. The new set up is definitely more crowded around the DB racks and there were a lot of regulars, both kids and adults. Wind Breaker was on the elliptical when I arrived, and still pedaling when I left, a few hours later.

My sciatica didn't bother me until I planted myself face-first on the inclined bench for Reverse Inclined Flys. The angle and the width of the bench, narrow as it is, puts some strain on that inflamed nerve bundle. It was fine for everything else, but it'll still be a while before I go back to Seated Cable Rows, or Rip Skulls. Or even Skull Crushers. Maybe I'll test out V-bar Tricep Press-Downs in the future? Will that be sciatica aggravating? 

In the Aerobics Room, it's still push-ups and hip bridges that make my foot go numb. Still skipping Bird Dog planks as well since I'm sure that doing 100 reps of Dead Bugs is adequate for abs. No need to inflame the dorsal portion of the body. The room is warm and humid. And I can't help but notice that after every Senior class, there's clumps of hair balled in the corner, like Seniors are combing their knots out during their chair sessions. Ewww.

The only thing that really bothered me today was the big toe on my left foot being squished up against my sport shoe while I was pedaling the elliptical. Oddly, my right foot, the foot with the bunion, loose ankle and sciatic tendencies, was fine. 

Maybe because the bunion makes the widest part of my foot (base of the first metatarsal) snag the sneaker and keeps my low-arch, flat foot from sliding forward? The "normal" foot doesn't have this impediment and my big toe smushes against the front of the shoe when my foot angles down during a portion of the fitness program. Toes are totally fine on the bunion side.

I'm a bit dismayed that I have a few really old, black plastic utensils for stirring and flipping food items in the non-stick cookware. Most of my pots and pans are stainless but there's a few smaller fry pans with non-stick surfaces. The utensils are over 25 years old and I wonder if they're too old to be contaminated with the fire-retardants from e-waste that's been reported in the news lately. Ugh. Of course, the news articles are light on important details, like when the contamination likely started, and what utensils should be used with non-stick cookware. Obviously not the stainless that the rest of my utensils are made of... 

This weekend is my wedding anniversary, but the husband is out of town at work for several weeks. My plan is to go see the new Joker movie, and then treat myself to a clam pizza with spinach, garlic and bacon. The movie has not garnished great reviews, but the NYTimes tends to write odd pieces that make me wonder if we've watched the same movie. Of course, I'm the person who fell asleep watching the first scene to La La Land. Twice!

I am enjoying streaming shows like HIP (the French version dubbed in English) that is running simultaneously with High Potential (the American version based on the French version). And of course, The Boys, season 3 with SuperNatural's Dean Winchester playing the not-at-all-heroic Soldier Boy. Disappointed that Dead Boy Detectives did not get renewed. Same for Lockwood & Co

Maybe I'll get to catch the comet as it streaks across the sky next week? It's usually so overcast that nothing is visible, but I can always hope...

4 Oct 2024 11:55-1:46
Friday — Combo Day
Brilliant Day — Timolol / sciatica

Precor elliptical #2
Program 1
Time: 30 + 5 (5466)
Distance: 2.80
Cal: 309
Avg Hr: 153, 183-115
New FB: 51-130


Incl DB Press s/s Lateral Raises s/s Rev Incline Flys
10 lbs x 25/15/25
15 lbs x 25/15/25
20 lbs x 25/15/25 x 3 sets

20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
Piriformis stretches
Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Push-Ups 25 (minimal tingle)
Arm rotations 20
Air Squats 25
Neck stretch / Eye yoga

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Should I Credit the Mattress?

I took the dogs to the park in the morning and did a lot of errands afterward. Then I waited for the mattress delivery and listened to a musician my kid turned me onto: Will Wood (and the Tapeworms). He has a few albums on YouTube and I was able to stream them while doing other things. 

Of course the truck arrives without calling me first, like I had asked since I have dogs that need to be secured before the delivery guys enter the house. The truck is too large to back into the driveway, just as I had guessed and told them as much. They said the mattress was too heavy for them to drive the truck up the road and carry it back to my house. 

I put one dog in his crate (he got lots of dog-safe jerky treats), and the other one who can't be crated because he freaks out, I put him in my car. I didn't have time to find my car keys to crack the windows but figured the pup wouldn't be in the car for too long. Poor pup was totally confused and thought he was going for a ride. The truck is blocking the road and cars are backing up from the school bus stop. The movers bring the new mattress in, unwrap the plastic and stand it up, pull off the old mattress and put it in the plastic and glide it out the door. Very quick and professional! 

I ask them to take the box springs. They say their paperwork says just the mattress because I only bought a mattress. I tell them that I told the person on the phone, the person that didn't tell them to call me first because I have dogs, because the driveway is too narrow, and that I have a box spring to go with the mattress. The fellow shows me his paperwork and I tell him I don't want to get him into trouble (because I don't), but then he tells me that he'll take the box springs anyway. I tip him $20. 

New frame & mattress
The mattress company charges an extra $30 to take the old one and specifies that it should be clean and unstained. Uh, what are they expecting from a 35-year old mattress? Are they going to recycle it? I could've just scheduled a town pick-up for free. Except that those schedules are arbitrary and I have no place to leave a king mattress and box springs outside for a rubbish truck. Never mind how I would actually move it out my house. (The husband came home for a day and a half, and had to be back in Boston for the next three weeks, so it's not like I can rely on him to help me.)

Now about that new mattress. I bought a Saatva after doing a bit of research over the years. It's pricey but there was a Labor Day sale. It has good ratings, is American-made and I'm hoping will last me another 30 years. (WTF, I'll be in my 90s!) When I lay down on it, it feels plush and soft yet firm. I had a foam topper on my old mattress because the bed springs started poking me! After a few years, the topper wears out and starts to disintegrate although up until the moment I rolled it up and put it in the trash, it did its job insulating me from wire coils. When I had the old mattress on the floor or on the new bed frame, I didn't feel the coils, so maybe it was the fault of the box springs?

My only concern about the new mattress is that the edge seems a bit soft compared to my old mattress. But my hip and lower back don't complain when I'm laying in bed, and I wake up with less sciatic problems. I also have a minor complaint about the new bed frame: the middle leg on either side is flush with the frame, so I'm constantly bumping my foot into it when I'm changing the sheets, making the bed, etc. If it were inset, that would be better. But considering the bed was fairly inexpensive, I'm not really complaining. No, I put all the money into the mattress. Yep.

I don't know if it's because I slept better last night, but I had more energy today when I went to the gym. Granted, I skipped yesterday and my only exertion (besides being dragged down the road by my dogs after the delivery people left), was moving some furniture back into position. 

I do better on the elliptical. The step machine has it's own mind and arbitrarily sets the pace, usually within a range. Eight minutes at 45 spm instead of 50 spm (steps per minute) makes a 40 step difference. I can't say that I wasn't really tired and drenched in sweat regardless of how slow the machine progressed. 

However, I was happy to get past a dozen reps each time I bellied up to the Stretch Cage for pull-ups. And I felt recovered enough to zip along on the cross-trainer, all the while singing to myself. I was pleased to see Wind Breaker on the elliptical as well, although I pretty much ignore everyone when I'm exercising. It's that single focus that might come across as rude, but I'm not there to socialize, and my friends all know it.

I'm still skipping movements that seem to aggravate my sciatica. No Bird Dog planks, nix on the one-leg hip bridges. Push-ups weren't quite so bothersome though. (Pulling apart the old bed and assembling the new one didn't seem to have any effect at all. Whew!) I still have annoying tingling numbness in my toes, foot, calf and hip but it's not as intense and doesn't last as long. Which says to me that I'm recovering. As long as I don't do anything to re-aggravate this extremely persnickety nerve bundle, I'm hoping to be "normal" in a few weeks. Just in time for that long drive to Buffalo for Parents' Weekend.

2 Oct 2024 11:48-1:43
Wednesday — All Cardio
Brilliant Day — Timolol / sciatica
New Mattress!

Precor elliptical #1
Program 3
Time: 30 + 5 (5626)
Distance: 2.85
Cal: 316
Avg Hr: 156, 194-85
New FB: 51-134


Matrix StairMaster (R)
Manual timer 8+2 cool down
Minimum 5 minutes
Speed 5 (45-50) / 29-36 (2-1)
Steps 426
Floors 26
Cal 64
Hr 109

HGPU 14.5

Life Fitness X-Trainer #5
Program Manual L1
Time: 12 (+3min cool down) = 15
Distance: 1.38
Cal: 115
Avg Hr: 129-135

HGPU 14.5

20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
Piriformis stretches
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Push-Ups 25 (minimal tingle)
Arm rotations 20
Air Squats 25
Neck stretch / Eye yoga

Temps Dropped and I Got Hives

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