Thursday, January 2, 2025

Resolution Day

I forgot that the day after the New Year is rife with good intentions. Which meant that even though I got to the gym at a reasonable hour, but not as early as I had planned, there were more people on the equipment than ever before. Not that the gym was crowded. Because it wasn't. But there were two people occupying half the ellipticals and one of them was brand new. Using the machines with usable cup holders. If I had an oversized Stanley then I might've squeezed myself onto #2 but I don't so let's move on.

So I got on the cross-trainer, adjusted the time for a few extra minutes and didn't even break a sweat. What I did get was supremely itchy. It's the itchiness of really dry skin just before being able to cross the threshold and actually generate cooling moisture. I managed a few pull-ups. Then I got on the step machine and added a few extra minutes. That managed to warm me up enough, but just barely. I did another round of pull-ups. Then I glanced at the time and realize that I needed to skip the third round if I'm going to do the bare minimum in the Aerobics Room. At least stretch the hips and lower back.

Piriformis and glute stretches--check, Dead Bug core movement--check. Skipped the Bird Dogs but kept the push-ups. Push-ups were surprisingly easy today. Probably because I didn't pre-exhaust myself with that third round of cardio/pull-ups. Skipped the Air Squats. I can do everything I've skipped at tomorrow's workout. Especially important if I think I might miss next Monday.

I'm in a rush because I have to take my kid to his orthodontist appointment. At some point he's going to learn to drive. And then we'll worry about who's vehicle he's going to drive. But right now he's the embodiment of what I used to say about having dogs and not kids: at least they'll never ask me for the car keys.

Temps have dropped and there's a big snowstorm forecast for early next week. My main concern is not having my sciatica flare up. Cuz that makes shoveling difficult, if it comes to that. I suspect I might be doing a lot of shoveling next Monday.

2 January 2025 11:38-12:40
Thursday — All Cardio
Abbreviated Cardio

Life Fitness X-Trainer #3
Program Manual L1
Time: 12 (+3 min cool down) = 15
Distance: 1.53
Cal: 118
Avg Hr: 119-122
FB 42-144

HGPU 15.5

Matrix StairMaster (R)
Manual timer 10+2 cool down
Minimum 5 minutes
Speed 5 (48-50) / 2 (33) / 1 (31-29)
Steps 536
Floors 33
Cal 80
Hr 118


20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
Piriformis stretches
Child’s Pose
Cat/Cow stretch 12
Child’s Pose
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Push-Ups 25

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